Do You Need Courage and Faith To Create New YOU?

Feature Article: Accessing Courage and Faith on Your Path of Purpose
By Fia Crandall 
Recently a client of mine had decided it was time, she could not be in her old job any longer.  She had to make the leap, even though it was a leap into the unknown with no real safety net she could see. 
I couldn’t believe how excited I was for her to make this leap.  She wrote a powerful blog post about it and it just brought me back to that exciting and scary time in my life when I made my leap from Engineering into my deeper purpose and passion.
I hear a lot from people talking about how they are so worried about money, security and more, all logical reasons they are holding themselves back.  Can you relate?
What I do know is that the Universe may not wait for you to get all of your ducks in a row before you are fully able to delve into your purpose and live that life you imagine.
And it only makes sense. 
Because you can’t get to where you are going as the old you. 
It’s the old you that is so fearful, hanging on to what is, that doesn’t trust that needs to be left behind.  This path requires faith, belief in yourself and the Universe’s support of you and your deepest desires. 
You DO have a purpose and the Universe WILL support you in creating it. 
How it will do that is not known up front.  And that is your challenge.  That is why faith is required on this path. 
I want to help you with that challenge as that is my purpose.  To help you with that I want to help you understand two very important qualities that will be required of you as you journey forward into the live you are meant to live, courage & faith.  And they may look different than you think.
Necessary Quality #1: Courage
I thought courage was something that I just needed in the beginning of my path of doing the work I love, that I am meant to do.  I made my leap by starting a business right after being laid off of my Engineering job and only two months after moving into a brand new home that I had built.  That required courage and on some level I figured you just needed it once. 
I have learned that courage is a muscle that must strengthen on your path.  It develops over time and is required at almost every turn on your path.
Because you are charting a new path.  You are leaving behind the groove of the old and creating the new and unknowable.  It’s not an overnight task.  You don’t leave your job and the next day you’re in business doing your passion for maximum profit.  It just doesn’t happen that way. 
You really couldn’t handle that anyway, there’s too much within you in the way otherwise you’d already have that life.  And beyond that, we’re in a Universe of constant expansion, you will always expand.  There is no destination, so courage will always be required of you.
The thing is, the more you walk your path, the more courage just comes out from you seemingly out of nowhere.  Last year I jumped off of a twenty foot cliff into a river.  I had NO idea I could possibly be the person who could do this, even the morning of.  Yet there it was, courage. 
As you move your fears out of the way and make your courageous steps, you will be amazed at how courageous you really are inside but had no idea of when you were back in the fear.
Necessary Quality #2: Faith
This one is actually easier than you think, once you know how to tap into your own and the Universe’s guidance for you.  I was once told “you must have had such faith” when I decided to start my business after being laid off just two months after moving into a brand new house I had built.
But let me tell you something about faith on this path.  It’s probably not as big a deal as you may think.  My faith was a direct result of the confirmations I had been receiving from the Universe and the inner guidance I had. 
It was SO obvious to me at the time that it really didn’t seem like a big deal.  I didn’t feel like I had a deep well of faith though a few people around me saw it that way.  (If you’d like to know how to do this, I’ve captured the process and teach it here:
You are a spiritual person.  You have a deeper understanding of the way things work than most people.  You know that logic can only take you so far.  And when it is clear that you are being guided down a certain path you’ll experience what I did and my clients who have made the leap had as well.  You can’t not do it.  The deeper knowing within you takes over and it doesn’t even feel like a choice.  You just know it’s right.
This is a natural faith.  You have it within you already, you can’t force it, it’s not blind faith, it’s much deeper than that.  If you can’t see it right now it’s because you’re caught up in the deeper fears that are protecting you from even thinking about making a leap.  And fear can be removed, I’ve done it myself and showed others how to do that, it’s also part of my purpose here. 
When the deeper protective fear is gone you will find your faith.
The leap is always going to be filled with two things.  You will likely be scared AND excited.  I was even a couple weeks ago when I made another leap by hiring a new coach to take my business to it’s next level.  It’s just how it goes so you might as well get used to it.  And being scared like that made me so excited because I knew it meant something big was coming, I’ve seen it too many times. 
What would you find if you had courage and faith in place of fear?
Would you like to be able to naturally have faith and courage when it's time to make your leap?
I’ve shared the exact intuition secrets I used to make important decisions in my life that would lead me to where I am today, doing what I love with every minute of my day.  I am SO excited to be sharing exactly how I did this in the brand new “Choice Illumination Process” program. 
When you can trust your own intuition to be able to follow what is meant for you you will naturally have courage and faith. 
Find out more receive instant access to this powerful process (and for over 10% off if you go now!) by clicking here:
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© Copyright 2010 Fia Crandall   

Fia Crandall is the Fear to Faith Guide who helps spiritually conscious women free themselves from inner restrictions so they can make the difference they came here to make.  Receive her free E-Course "Break Through the 5 Illusions that Stop You From Fully Being the Light You Came Here to Be!"