How To Chakra - Learn Something New Every Day

How To Chakra?

Do you know how to chakra? Until today I didn't know much about chakra. Sure I've heard about it, but I didn't pay much attention to what the chakra is and how it works. Here is the article I came across today that made me curious enough to look for more information. You can read it HERE.

Interesting, isn't it? Below you can find some more information about what each chakra represents.

( Picture and discription credit goes to
1st Chakra - Red - The Kundalini Chakra, at the base of your Spine keeps you grounded in the physical world. It creates the necessary balance and stillness to succeed in your ambitions and dreams.

2nd Chakra - Orange - Just beneath your Navel, this Chakra governs the release of sexual and emotional energy. It enables you to be in balance with your emotions, thus diffusing any build-up of anger.

3rd Chakra - Yellow - Located in your Solar Plexus, this Chakra is the seat of your emotions. Its fire and sun energy is what drives your personal power.

4th Chakra - Green - The Heart Chakra, is of vital importance. It circulates love, balance and compassion, and keeps your immune system strong and powerful.

5th Chakra - Blue - The Throat Chakra, is tied to creativity and communication, expansion and excitement. You may even feel pressure in the throat when you're not able to properly communicate your emotions.

6th Chakra - Indigo - The Third Eye Chakra, keeps your psychic and clairvoyant abilities flowing. It is the Pineal Gland, which is like a physical eye with the capabilities of looking upward.

7th Chakra - Violet - The Crown Chakra, this connects you with the higher realms. It governs thought, spiritual connection, understanding, knowing and bliss.

8th Chakra - White - The energy centre of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. The energy center that holds your karmic residue.

What triggered my curiosity is that recently I'm thinking more and more about meditation as one of the form of relaxation and way to release the stress. Since there isn't really right or wrong way to meditate I thought I’d try and see if this will benefit me. Like with anything else BALANCE is what I need.

Here is the video I found on how to use chakra:

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

I'm always open to new things, doesn't matter how strange they may seem.  Thinking outside the box opens more doors. I hope you too got something new out of it by learning how to chakra.