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Baby Boomers are Busy Boomers
That's right Baby Boomers are Busy Boomers.
"One of the unique features of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before." - (Wikipedia)
Even if we are not "a special generation", we are for sure the busy one. Since the Internet and blogging was introduced to us in our mature faze of life, we tent to feel intimidated about using it. At least I was at first, but not anymore. I love power of Internet and I'm happy to use it.
Really, if you think about it, Internet is here to stay, so I wouldn't like to be the one who is left behind and you shouldn't either. Learn how to use Internet to your advantage and to have fun with it.
"One of the unique features of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before." - (Wikipedia)
Even if we are not "a special generation", we are for sure the busy one. Since the Internet and blogging was introduced to us in our mature faze of life, we tent to feel intimidated about using it. At least I was at first, but not anymore. I love power of Internet and I'm happy to use it.
Really, if you think about it, Internet is here to stay, so I wouldn't like to be the one who is left behind and you shouldn't either. Learn how to use Internet to your advantage and to have fun with it.
baby boomers,
busy boomers
Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 26 January 2010
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
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Predictions for 2012
Predictions for 2012
There are some pretty interesting predictions for 2012 from sources such as Nostradamus and various calanders. They are calling for the end of the world to occur in December of 2012. The more time that goes on the more convinced some are getting that the warning signs are all here.
Nostradamus isn’t from our time period, so these predictions that he wrote are from over 500 years ago. Unfortunately for us he has been right about just about everything so far, he predicted JFK’s death and the 9/11 terrorists attacks. He wrote of some major catastrophies occurring in December of 2012 that are going to put the whole human race at risk. He wrote of global disasters that are so great they would destroy the earth.
One of the other doomsday predictions comes from the Mayan calander. It states that the world will end exactly on December 21, 2012. There isn’t much scientific evidence to prove or disprove either of these claims, but what is important is how the rest of the world is going to be acting when the time draws near.
Remember the Y2K scare of 2000, well multiply that by about a thousand and that’s how people are going to be acting just a few short years from now.
There isn’t much disputing that many believe that something awful will happen in 2012, but many people are wondering how exactly it’s going to happen. Some think that mass panic will drive countries into nuclear war as they fight over resources; others think that meteors will strike the earth causing catastrophic atmospheric conditions. It doesn’t really matter what happens, all that matters is surviving.
Some people dismiss it as nonsense, they think it’s just a story that’s been told over time and gotten blown out of proportion. After all, there have been several other times that the world was supposed to come to an end but it never did, so what’s so different about 2012?
It’s totally up to you if you want to believe in the 2012 end of the world predictions or not. But there is some information that you can use to prepare yourself for what may be coming, just in case.
Here is some Free info on
Maya calendar,
Predictions for 2012
How To Chakra - Learn Something New Every Day
How To Chakra?
Do you know how to chakra? Until today I didn't know much about chakra. Sure I've heard about it, but I didn't pay much attention to what the chakra is and how it works. Here is the article I came across today that made me curious enough to look for more information. You can read it HERE.
Interesting, isn't it? Below you can find some more information about what each chakra represents.

( Picture and discription credit goes to
1st Chakra - Red - The Kundalini Chakra, at the base of your Spine keeps you grounded in the physical world. It creates the necessary balance and stillness to succeed in your ambitions and dreams.
2nd Chakra - Orange - Just beneath your Navel, this Chakra governs the release of sexual and emotional energy. It enables you to be in balance with your emotions, thus diffusing any build-up of anger.
3rd Chakra - Yellow - Located in your Solar Plexus, this Chakra is the seat of your emotions. Its fire and sun energy is what drives your personal power.
4th Chakra - Green - The Heart Chakra, is of vital importance. It circulates love, balance and compassion, and keeps your immune system strong and powerful.
5th Chakra - Blue - The Throat Chakra, is tied to creativity and communication, expansion and excitement. You may even feel pressure in the throat when you're not able to properly communicate your emotions.
6th Chakra - Indigo - The Third Eye Chakra, keeps your psychic and clairvoyant abilities flowing. It is the Pineal Gland, which is like a physical eye with the capabilities of looking upward.
7th Chakra - Violet - The Crown Chakra, this connects you with the higher realms. It governs thought, spiritual connection, understanding, knowing and bliss.
What triggered my curiosity is that recently I'm thinking more and more about meditation as one of the form of relaxation and way to release the stress. Since there isn't really right or wrong way to meditate I thought I’d try and see if this will benefit me. Like with anything else BALANCE is what I need.
I'm always open to new things, doesn't matter how strange they may seem. Thinking outside the box opens more doors. I hope you too got something new out of it by learning how to chakra.
how to chakra
There's More To A Fashion Design Course Than Simply Clothes
Have you ever dream about being a fashion designer? I sure did, but the closest I could come to fashion design is to design and sew clothes for family, friends and myself. The time I spent doing it was actually hard work, but it was fun as well. Here are some tips on fashion design courses if you are into designing clothes.
There's More To A Fashion Design Course Than Simply Clothes
by Pat Lowe
A fashion design course teaches all the things you'd expect it would, as it covers everything from gowns and accessories to jeans, shirts and sneakers. It deals with clothing worn by the rich and famous and the not so rich as well. But that's not all that people study when they're working on a fashion design degree. In fact, those things are actually the end result of a great deal of background study in other things, some of which are obviously related to clothes, and others which aren't so obvious.
You may be taken aback to find out that an anatomy class can prove to be equally central to fashion design as a textiles class. While you have to learn about fabrics, how to create patterns, and so on, you also must have some knowledge of how they will fit on the human body. This involves how well the clothes will drape and hang, and also how the clothes will stretch and move without strain when the body moves around. Other courses in fashion programs include more technical facets, like using computer programs for designing patterns.
Nothing in human society ever happens in a vacuum, and the same is true even of fashion. This means that anyone trying for a career in fashion design needs to understand the history and sociology of fashion trends. They need to know the history of textiles and materials, and even the politics of fashion. A fashion design course provides this knowledge and then draws it into the present, teaching how it relates to marketing and the business side of the industry.
This is why it's important for a student earning a fashion degree to have as broad a program as possible. Not only is it important to understand the past and how it affects current fashion trends, but the person taking the fashion design course also needs to be adept at using the tools necessary; not just to design fashions but to market them as well. A well rounded program is absolutely crucial to a successful career.
A course in fashion design is a whole lot more than simply making patterns and turning fabrics into garments. What people see on the catwalks in Paris and New York is the most visible result of such a program, and it's generally the thing that attracts people towards a career in fashion, but it isn't the whole picture. Students preparing for jobs in this industry should be willing to go outside that palpable, public manifestation of fashion, since the best fashion courses usually encompass a great deal more.
Taking a (http://fashioncolleges101.
I wish I've got these tips when I was thinking about my career choices, I might avoid some of the mistakes I made and even save money.
fashion design,
fashion design course
Magnetically Attract Wealth - Think Prosperity
I found some interesting article on attracting wealth. Isn't this what we all wish for?
Magnetically Attract Wealth - Think Prosperity
by Dawna Miller
The journey to designing a balanced life with passion, peace, freedom, joy, love and prosperity begins when you decide to change the direction of your life. It's a quest from ignorance to awareness to ultimately enlightenment about yourself and what you want out of life.
No matter where you are on this journey, the time to start is today, right where you are. Where you go from here is entirely up to you. Yes, you have the power to magnetically attract wealth and prosperity! This is the first in a series of articles on the power of thought, the secret to prosperity and wealth and living a life that you design. Each article will build on the concepts from the previous, so buckle up and let's go...
First let's begin by defining wealth. What is wealth? According to, wealth is having an abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. Now we all know what valuable material possessions are, but what about resources? When you think about it wealth really is a relative term. What one person considers valuable another may not. Wealth is personal and so much more than financial security!
Wealth is:
Whatever Excites And Lightens The Heart!
Creating wealth and success begins with a consciousness, an awareness of one's self and others. It's a lifestyle and a way of thinking. Wealth is prosperity.
It's interesting that most adults aren't even aware that they aren't aware! They really aren't to blame. We've all been raised in an environment that teaches us that if we work hard we will have job security. How's that one working for you? Where you taught how to have a relationship? How to raise children? We learned these things from the people that we associated with. Now family aside, you can't change your family, but have you looked at who you hang around with lately? Are they wealthy? Do they know how to create a life of prosperity and abundance? Ever heard that you can learn more in 20 minutes over lunch with a millionaire that you can a year in higher education? Experience in living does count. Faith combined with focused intense thought is a powerful combination, but you have to be willing to take educated risks (going out on faith) and reach out and grab that opportunity when it comes your way.
Have you every asked yourself who exactly you are working for everyday? Who is getting the fruits of your time? Who makes the rules and who has to follow them? The wealthy! Wouldn't you rather be at the top of your game, calling the shot in your life? It is possible to magnetically attract exactly what you want in life. Through faith, commitment and consistency anything is possible. It doesn't take any more time to be successful than it does to live a life of mediocrity punching a clock from 8 to 5. You can radically change your life with just a few minutes a day. Think about it, everyone has 24 hours in a day, the wealthy of this world have exactly the same number of hours in a day. Now there's some food for thought if you think you are just too busy.
Did you know that it is expected that 97% of the population will either be dead or dead broke by the age of 65? The percentage still kicking at age 65 will have to either continue working until they no longer can or rely on friends, family or the government in order to just get by in life. Again ask yourself why...
Success is not luck, it is 90% mental and 10% action. Ask any wealthy person and they will tell you the power thought played creating their wealth. Faith and focused thoughts are truly power things when combined with the right emotional intensity and action. How you view yourself is the keystone to your success. How you view yourself determines how others feel about you. Ever been around a really negative person? How did they make you feel. One bad apple can ruin the whole basket. Well the reverse is true as well. Isn't it fun to be around people who have faith, a high level of energy, are enthusiastic and self-confident?
The wealthy understand the power of faith and conscious thought. They are completely devoted to their faith and practice focusing their mindset everyday!
What's the definition of insanity? According to Albert Einstein, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results..." Does your life resemble this statement? Maybe it's time to try something different?
The idea of prosperity and the power of focused intense thought is not something that is taught in traditional school systems, at home or by society. Why? Have you ever seen a wealthy teacher? How can they teach the concepts of obtaining wealth? Teachers are some of the most over worked and under appreciated members of our society, but they still can't teach you how to obtain wealth. What about your parents, are they wealthy? Or have you consistently heard the statement growing up that "money doesn't grow on trees"? What about society, well just take a look around.
In Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki's best seller "Why We Want You To Be Rich" said:
"The rich are getting richer but America is getting poorer. The middle class is shrinking. America is becoming a two-class society. Soon you will either be rich or poor."
Not a pretty picture. Now money in and of itself cannot bring true wealth, success, abundance and prosperity, but it sure can help if you have the time to actually enjoy life. If money weren't an issue, what would you do? That's when life more living pay check to pay check! No more working to make someone else rich.
The starting point for creating a life by your design is to have complete faith and commit to embark on your journey today, right where you stand. No ifs, ands or buts. If you are truly committed to living a life of prosperity, then you must change and in order to change you must take action. Take the steps necessary to learn how to magnetically attract wealth and prosperity to you.
What is the one thing that all wealthy people consistently invest in? They all recognize it as being their greatest asset, one that cannot be taken away and can be used any time they want...THEMSELVES! Most people do not invest in themselves after their formal education ends, wealthy people consistently invest in themselves. If you can't afford to invest in yourself today, then chances are you couldn't yesterday, last year or even 10 years ago either...and if this is you, then you really can't afford not to! The past is gone, the future is what you make it, start building your future today!
Begin your journey from ignorance to enlightenment today, your future is coming, are you ready? Prosperity is a choice, one only you can make. Take a few minutes and consider this question, "Who Are You Really"?
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