Predictions for 2012

Predictions for 2012

There are some pretty interesting predictions for 2012 from sources such as Nostradamus and various calanders.  They are calling for the end of the world to occur in December of 2012.  The more time that goes on the more convinced some are getting that the warning signs are all here.

Nostradamus isn’t from our time period, so these predictions that he wrote are from over 500 years ago.  Unfortunately for us he has been right about just about everything so far, he predicted JFK’s death and the 9/11 terrorists attacks.  He wrote of some major catastrophies occurring in December of 2012 that are going to put the whole human race at risk.  He wrote of global disasters that are so great they would destroy the earth.

One of the other doomsday predictions comes from the Mayan calander.  It states that the world will end exactly on December 21, 2012.  There isn’t much scientific evidence to prove or disprove either of these claims, but what is important is how the rest of the world is going to be acting when the time draws near. 

Remember the Y2K scare of 2000, well multiply that by about a thousand and that’s how people are going to be acting just a few short years from now.

There isn’t much disputing that many believe that something awful will happen in 2012, but many people are wondering how exactly it’s going to happen.  Some think that mass panic will drive countries into nuclear war as they fight over resources; others think that meteors will strike the earth causing catastrophic atmospheric conditions.  It doesn’t really matter what happens, all that matters is surviving.

Some people dismiss it as nonsense, they think it’s just a story that’s been told over time and gotten blown out of proportion.  After all, there have been several other times that the world was supposed to come to an end but it never did, so what’s so different about 2012?

It’s totally up to you if you want to believe in the 2012 end of the world predictions or not.  But there is some information that you can use to prepare yourself for what may be coming, just in case.

Here is some Free info on  
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