Girl power in a geek world

If you know Facebook (if you don't, we need to have a chat), then you know Mark Zuckerberg. The Zuckster's shiny 26-year old face is plastered all over the media. But the bombshell brains behind the scenes belong to 42-year old mother of two, Sheryl Sandberg.

As Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl oversees the company's sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy and communications. Since she joined Facebook in 2008, Sheryl has been credited with successfully managing the college website through its hypergrowth stage and, more importantly, making it wildly profitable.

Who's that girl?

A Harvard MBA, Sheryl began her career as an economist with the World Bank and then (at age 27!) became Chief of Staff for the US Secretary of the Treasury under President Bill Clinton's administration. Her tech experience started with Google, where she worked as Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations.

In 2007, former Yahoo CEO Dan Rosensweig held a Christmas party. It was in the foyer that Sheryl met Zuck. While everyone around them swilled cocktails, the two stood by the front door, immersed in a deep conversation that would lead to Sheryl's move to Facebook.