16 Amazing Anti-Aging Beauty Tips

Tried and true beauty tips to keep your skin looking young and fresh.

woman looking at wrinkles1. Beauty Math

Women getting a face-lift speak of wanting to "turn back the clock." But how many years does the surgery actually erase? An average of 7.2, reports a team of plastic surgeons from the University of Toronto. Medical students estimated patients' ages based on before-and-after photos of 60 women and men, ages 45 to 72. For a face- and neck-lift with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), the guesses peeled 7.5 years off the patients' ages. Adding a brow lift erased 8.4 years, while skipping the eyes dropped the payoff to 5.7 years. "We hope to give people a more realistic idea of what they can expect," says lead author Nitin Chauhan, M.D. And for those who don't want surgery, Dr. Chauhan notes that use of products containing medically active ingredients such as retinoic acid, growth factors, or peptides, along with a healthy diet, exercise, and sun protection, can also shave off years.

Health benefits of prunes and five reasons to eat more of them

Prunes in a bowl

If you're not a fan of prunes, you're not alone. In fact, women ages 25 to 54 react so negatively to the idea of prunes that the California Prune Board pressured the Food and Drug Administration to change their name to the more appealing dried plums (in case you had forgotten, prunes are dried plums). And it worked! Sales of this super healthy purple fruit have hit new heights.

Spice Girls Reunite for ‘Viva Forever’

Melanie Brown, Melanie Chisholm, Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton and Victoria Beckham of the Spice Girls attend launch of new musical based on the Spice Girls' music at St Pancras Renaissance Hotel on June 26, 2012 in London, England. (Photo by Eamonn McCormack/WireImage)Melanie Brown, Melanie Chisholm, Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton and Victoria Beckham of the Spice Girls attend launch …

December in London, England, can be bitterly cold. It's a good thing that this year, London's Piccadilly Theatre will get a little Spice.

"Viva Forever," a new musical based on the songs of the Spice Girls, was recently unveiled at the London hotel where they filmed the video for "Wannabe" years before. And the Spice Girls themselves -- Victoria Beckham (Posh), Melanie Brown (Scary), Emma Bunton (Baby), Melanie Chisholm (Sporty), and Geri Halliwell (Ginger) -- were all on hand to add an extra dose of girl power.

Is It Skin Cancer? How to Tell a Harmless Mole from a Melanoma

Is It Skin Cancer? How to Tell a Harmless Mole from a Melanoma

Know Your ABCDEs
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer but it can be hard to identify. The ABCDE guide helps. If your mole fits the characteristics below, call your dermatologist pronto:
Asymmetry—if the mole could be folded in half, the two halves wouldn’t match
Border irregularities—the mole’s borders are uneven or blurred
Color variations—the mole has mixed shades of tan, brown, black or other hues
Diameter—the spot is bigger than a pencil eraser
Evolution—its appearance has changed in some way

Michael Jackson Remembered: Paris Shares "Mommy and Daddy" Photo

Michael Jackson Remembered: Paris Shares "Mommy and Daddy" Photo

Monday marks the third-year anniversary since the shocking death of Michael Jackson at age 50 -- and among the millions worldwide still mourning his loss, few feel it as personally as Paris Jackson.

The pop superstar's only daughter, now 14, paid tribute Monday morning, tweeting, "RIP Michael Jackson .. Dad you will forever be in my heart <3 i love you."

'Odd couple' planets do extreme tango

An odd pair of distant worlds -- one rocky like Earth and another gassy like Neptune -- have been found doing the closest dance of any planetary pair ever discovered, US scientists said on Thursday.

The duo are orbiting their star about 1,200 light years from Earth, and were discovered with NASA's Kepler space telescope, which launched in 2009 in search of Earth-like planets orbiting stars similar to our Sun.

Their star is probably a lot like our Sun but several billion years older, and the planets are much closer to it, said the study in Science Express, the online edition of the journal Science.

15 Best-Kept Hair Secrets

Long, short, straight, wavy, or curly, we've got a secret for you. These tips will instantly improve your hairstyle. Shh... you didn't hear it from us.

#1. For Beachy Waves
Start with towel-dried hair and apply any kind of volumizing product to your roots. Put a quarter-sized amount of styling cream on your ends, working in small sections for even coverage. Take a small section of your hair and twirl downward, repeating all over your head. Blow-dry by pointing the dryer down toward your head a few inches away from hair, twirling sections around your finger. When you are finished twisting each section, scrunch your hair while blow-drying to amp up the volume and texture. For a more defined look, wrap sections of hair around a medium-sized curling iron.

10 Countries Where Retirees Live Large

Retirement in the United States is nice and all, until they ask you to actually pay for stuff.

When retirees' nest eggs are a finite and dwindling resource, rising local and federal taxes can put even the staunchest, flag-draped patriotism to the test. If retirees are willing to leave the states behind, the savings can be substantial.

Prince William celebrates 30th birthday in private with Kate

LONDON - The man who once was among the world's most eligible bachelors has turned 30 — but things are not so bad for Prince William as he celebrates his birthday with family and friends.

Palace officials say William will mark the milestone in private with his wife, the former Kate Middleton, and perhaps some close friends. They say a low key celebration is planned.

William has been pursuing a military career as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot while easing into married life and taking on more royal duties.

Six vitamins and supplements that every man should take

couple eating breakfast, happy and playful

Typically, men are still less likely than women to see a doctor when they get sick or at the first sign of a bothersome health symptom. And it's even more unlikely that they'll take supplements to prevent illness. Whether it's your significant other, brother, father or best guy friend, there are some basic supplements every guy should take for optimal health. Here are the top six you should encourage the men in your life to take:

Beauty Lesson: How To Banish Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown Hairs.jpg

Ingrown hairs: We've all had them. Often caused by shaving or waxing, the unsightly pink or red bumps develop when hairs break off at their follicles and grow back into the skin. Luckily, they can be treated. Read on for five easy steps to remove and treat these buzz kills so they never crash your party again.

1. Exfoliate

When skin is dry, gently exfoliate dead skin cells with a bath mitt or scrub. Rinse in the shower, allowing skin to soften in the heat and humidity. Towel off.

Five health reasons to eat more fresh strawberries


If you are a strawberry addict like me, then June must make you very happy. Canadian strawberries are just the best. Unlike their oversized waterlogged cousins to the south, berries grown in Canada are teeming with flavour. The common garden strawberry that we find in stores today is actually a hybrid of the French (for flavour) and Argentinean (for size) varieties. In our modern world, we are accustomed to strawberries being available year round, but nothing can compare to the first sweet taste of a June strawberry that has been picked the day before. Local berries also equal a much smaller carbon footprint.

What Dads Really Want for Father's Day

There appears to be a disconnect between what women want to give the dads in their lives this Father's Day and what those dads would really like, a new survey indicates. While a majority of women thought that tickets to a sporting event would put a smile on Dad's face, it turns out that what would really make pappy happy is a  new tablet or smartphone.

In a survey of more than 2,000 American adults conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Ebates.com, a shopping site that offers rebates to members, 60 percent of women said they thought tickets to a sporting event were at the top of men's wish list for Father's Day. In actuality, the majority of men responding (52 percent) said what they really want was a tablet or smartphone.

How this couple retired in Bali

'How did you find Bali?" and "What do you do all day?" are the two most common questions asked of us. I am a retired lawyer from California; my husband is a vintner (plus many other things). We're both 68 years old, and most people can't wrap their minds around the change we made moving to Bali, Indonesia, seven years ago.

As we approached retirement age, we kept a watchful eye for those places that were exotic, less expensive (we lived in California for 35 years) and comfortable. A top priority was warmth. We both grew up in Connecticut, and I spent four winters in Buffalo, N.Y., so we were done with cold and snow. We visited all the warm climates we could find on the globe.

In Japan, pets might be more popular than children

The birthrate is falling in Japan as more couples turn to pet ownership. (Thinkstock)In Japan, child-sized sweaters, dresses and coats boasting designer labels like Hermes, Chanel and Gucci can be found draped over bejewelled hangers in chi-chi boutiques across, Tokyo. The kicker? These mini-ensembles are not for children ­— these creations are pure canine couture.

In a country where the birthrate is falling dramatically, the Guardian reports young Japanese couples and singles are turning more and more to pet ownership to fill the baby void.

"Official estimates put the pet population at 22 million or more, but there are only 16.6 million children under 15," says the story.

Sunscreen lesson: Truck driver shows extreme sun damage on one side of face

A medical journal shows a man with sun damage on half his face. (New England Journal of Medicine ©2012)A startling photo published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows the long-term effects of sun exposure, but only on one side of the face.

Sixty-nine-year-old delivery-truck driver Bill McElligott spent 28 years with the left side of his face exposed to the sun. Subsequently, while the right side of his face is aging quite well, the left side looks considerably older than the right.

Dr. Jennifer R.S. Gordon, the doctor who treated the patient, tells the Toronto Star that she'd "never seen sun damage that one-sided," adding, "Sideways, he looks like two different people."

Deck maintenance: How to keep your deck looking like new

(Thinkstock)Spending time outdoors is one of the highlights of summer and if you're lucky enough to have a deck or patio, chances are you spend as much time out there as possible during the warm weather.

In order to enjoy this outdoor space for many years to come, proper deck maintenance is important. Not only will proper maintenance keep your deck looking great, but it can also help to keep your family safe and save you money down the road.

Eight glasses of water a day myth lead by financial interests, says researcher

An Australian journal editorial says people don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. (Thinkstock)Do you carry a bottle of water every place you go? Are you consumed with consuming your eight glasses a day for optimal health? Well, a researcher in Australia says you can give it a rest — you're plenty hydrated already.

In an editorial for the June issue of Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Dr. Spero Tsindos from La Trobe University says most people get enough water from the foods and beverages — including tea and coffee — they consume regularly and don't need to supplement with copious amounts of water.

Why a million dollars isn't what it used to be

There was a time the word "millionaire" carried cachet. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word was first used in French in the early eighteenth century and in English nearly a century later. Regardless of your station in French society in 1719, you would recognize a net worth of one million livres being notable. The same would be true for one million U.S. dollars a century later. Only a small percentage of society could be listed within a roster of millionaires.

Queen's Diamond Jubilee a triumph for the monarchy

LONDON - There were six figures on the balcony, three generations of royalty — and one large absence.

Queen Elizabeth II's appearance at Buckingham Palace with her family on Tuesday capped a triumphant Diamond Jubilee weekend for a British monarchy that has overcome years of crisis and seems secure in its subjects' hearts.

But the absence of 90-year-old Prince Philip — hospitalized Monday with a bladder infection — was a poignant reminder that the queen's 60-year reign won't last forever. And the presence of divisive heir to the throne Prince Charles alongside the wildly popular Prince William and his wife Catherine hinted at an uncertain future.

"What we forget is that monarchy is just the people doing the job," said royal historian Robert Lacey. "In a sense this jubilee looks to the future rather sadly. It could be the queen's last jubilee, and it is a jubilee in which she has relegated many of her public duties" to younger family members.

Cancer Symptoms You May Be Ignoring

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Want to know someone’s age? Try following your nose

Recent research suggests we are able to detect the age of older people from their scent. (Thinkstock)Humans are not particularly known for their acute sense of smell, like dogs for example. However, a recent study suggests we can tell the age of older people based on their body odour.

"Humans are actually quite good at sniffing around," says study lead Johan Lundström, a researcher at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The problem is that our nose is a little higher up from the ground, and the human brain is wired to not pay attention to odors.

Does confronting your fears really work?

Huge spider

How to overcome fears, anxieties and phobias? It's a challenge that many of us give a lot of thought and attention to, over the course of our lives, and with varying degrees of success. One of the most effective treatments for fear and anxiety is called exposure therapy. A technique derived from cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure therapy asks people to consider, think about or do the very thing that they fear.

Justin Bieber jokes about hitting head on glass again

Ian Gavan/Getty Images

Not even a hit on the head can dampen Justin Bieber's spirits, but maybe it's because he's used to it.

After pulling his hip earlier in the week, the 18-year-old "Boyfriend" singer suffered a concussion Thursday after walking into a glass wall backstage in Paris -- and this wasn't the first time he has had such an accident.

Hot New Romance for 'DWTS' Pro Dancers Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Peta Murgatroyd

Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Peta Murgatroyd are showing off their sizzling moves … on each other. The professional dancers from the ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" were seen getting hot and heavy over the weekend, complete with a steamy kiss!