Meet the dorky, controversial mascots for the 2014 Olympics

A snowboarding leopard, a figure-skating bunny and a polar bear wearing a scarf will be the three mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia. Though those are some of the safest choices imaginable, the decision has led to charges of plagiarism, corruptibility and vote-rigging.

The winners were announced on a live television show broadcast throughout the country. Viewers cast over 1 million votes for the nine candidates and officials selected the top-three to serve as Sochi's official mascots. The snow leopard came out on top with 28 percent of the vote.

The announcement was not without some controversy. Ded Morez, the Russian equivalent of Santa Claus, had led in early polling but was pulled from the ballot at the last second when Russian organizers feared that their country's folk hero would become official property of the IOC. That decision left room for the following three winners, which are said to "encapsulate much of Russia's self-image."

Snow leopard

The snow leopard was the favorite of Vladimir Putin's. The Russian prime minister favored the cat because he is "big, strong, fast and beautiful." Not coincidentally, the mascot's popularity rose once Putin threw support its way. Its self-confidence swagger is "not unlike Putin's own projection of machismo" and the fact that the leopard enjoys the prime minister's favored martial arts makes some think the character was based on Putin himself.

Prominent Russian political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin told a Moscow radio station that he believes there may have been some voting irregularities in the telephone voting system that led to the leopard's victory. The insinuation is that Putin wanted the leopard so the leopard somehow made it to the top of the voting. That's silly. A rigged vote in Russia? Preposterous!


The bunny will be wear ice skates in a nod to Russia's once-great figure skating program. No word on whether the bunny was in cahoots with the French judge to help with the victory.  

Polar bear

The Associated Press says the final mascot looks "dorky." Whether that's true or not (and it totally is), the creator of Russia's last Olympic mascot says it's plagiarism. Viktor Chizhikov, the man who designed the mascot to the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, believes this bear is a direct copy of his.

Debut actresses do well at Oscars; not so for men (AP)

In this film publicity image released by Paramount Pictures, Hailee Steinfeld is shown in a scene from, 'True Grit.' (AP Photo/Paramount Pictures, Wilson Webb)

LOS ANGELES - The Academy Awards have been kind to actresses making their big-screen debuts. But men in debut performances? Not so much.

With her supporting-actress nomination for the Western "True Grit," 14-year-old Hailee Steinfeld is the 73rd first-time performer to compete for an Oscar in the show's 83-year history.

Fifty-year-old veteran Melissa Leo is considered the favorite to win supporting actress for "The Fighter." But Steinfeld is nominated in the category that has been especially competitive for beginners — and for child actors.

Of the 72 previous Hollywood novices nominated for Oscars, 31 were up for supporting actress. Eight won, including Jennifer Hudson for 2006's "Dreamgirls," Eva Marie Saint for 1954's "On the Waterfront" and Jo Van Fleet for 1955's "East of Eden."

Two first-timers who won supporting actress were even younger than Steinfeld — 10-year-old Tatum O'Neal for 1973's "Paper Moon" and 11-year-old Anna Paquin for 1993's "The Piano." The only other child actor to win an Oscar, 16-year-old Patty Duke, also earned it in the supporting-actress category, for 1962's "The Miracle Worker."

Men in debut roles have earned 22 nominations for supporting actor, but only one took the Oscar, Haing S. Ngor for 1984's "The Killing Fields" (that was a fruitful year for male big-screen debuts; along with Ngor, two others were nominated for supporting actor, Adolph Caesar in "A Soldier's Story" and John Malkovich in "Places in the Heart").

Six Ways To Get Your Daily Calicium Without Milk

Kale greens calcium

Bone health is key to overall health. If your bones are not strong, then they can't support your body and your daily activities. You may not realize, however, that calcium is for more than just your bones - it's required for nearly every function in our bodies. Many degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis are the result of poor quality supplementation and an imbalanced diet.

We've grown to accept that we can only get our daily dose of calcium from conventional dairy and a daily calcium pill. This may be true to a certain extent, but we should focus on the whole food sources that are naturally loaded with the mineral. These plant-based foods don't contain dairy but still help you reach your calcium requirements in an easy-to-assimilate - and delicious -- way, while also providing a whole bunch of other minerals and nutrients. This is especially helpful for individuals that are intolerant or allergic to dairy.

You also don't need to worry about exact measurements of calcium, especially if you are getting them from whole food sources. Just be sure to get a variety of the following items in your diet on a daily basis. This way you will be loaded with the right kind of calcium that your body will just love to soak up!

Six calcium-rich foods that might surprise you:

1.    Green leafy veggies: Kale, chard, beet tops, collards, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dandelion, mustard greens and bok choy
2.    Root veggies: Parsnip, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, squash, okra
3.    Nuts and seeds: Almonds, pine nuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds
4.    Bean, legumes and whole grains: Kidney beans, black beans, quinoa and amaranth
5.    Fermented and organic soy: Tofu, tempeh, miso and edamame
6.    Other sources: Carob, tahini, almond butter, sea vegetables*, cocoa, goji berries, figs and molasses

Off With Her Headpiece!

Forget the dress — whatever puff of silk or column of white satin Kate Middleton decides to wear on the day of her wedding to Prince William in April. The real drama for this conventional but modern-minded queen-to-be is what to do about the royal jewels.

There are hundreds if not thousands of them: brooches, necklaces, tiaras, diadems in every color as long as it is not black. Although, come to think of it, with Queen Victoria’s legacy of 40 years in mourning, there are probably a ton of jet black (but definitely not jet-set) baubles.

Like the sapphire engagement ring that inexorably links Kate with Princess Diana, most of those jewels bring with them a lot of baggage. There is another mighty sapphire: a brooch framed in diamonds. In fact, there are several of them; Prince Albert took “Albert’s brooch,” which he gave Victoria as a wedding gift, and made copies of it for their daughters. Then there is a cabochon emerald collar that the stately Queen Mary (Queen Elizabeth’s grandmother) made from her family emeralds, originally won in a lottery in Germany. Diana took the stuffing out of that piece by wearing it around her head like a squaw on a tour of Australia in 1985.

The new bride’s problems start with the headgear. To wear, or not to wear, a tiara? Ever since Courtney Love and hip party people resuscitated the tiara and made it fun, a sparkly headband has become a fashion item. Generations of pink-clad little girls have topped their heads with sparkles, and Kate and her sister Pippa probably pranced around the family Christmas tree with tiaras in their well-brushed hair.

Learning a Second Language Protects Against Alzheimer's

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Want to protect against the effects of Alzheimer's? Learn another language.

That's the takeaway from recent brain research, which shows that bilingual people's brains function better and for longer after developing the disease.

Psychologist Ellen Bialystok and her colleagues at York University in Toronto recently tested about 450 patients who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Half of these patients were bilingual, and half spoke only one language.

While all the patients had similar levels of cognitive impairment, the researchers found that those who were bilingual had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's about four years later, on average, than those who spoke just one language. And the bilingual people reported their symptoms had begun about five years later than those who spoke only one language.

"What we've been able to show is that in these patients… all of whom have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and are all at the same level of impairment, the bilinguals on average are four to five years older — which means that they've been able to cope with the disease," Bialystok said.

She presented her findings today (Feb. 18) here at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Some results of this research were published in the Nov. 9, 2010 issue of the journal Neurology.

CT brain scans of the Alzheimer's patients showed that, among patients who are functioning at the same level, those who are bilingual have more advanced brain deterioration than those who spoke just one language. But this difference wasn't apparent from the patients' behaviors, or their abilities to function. The bilingual people acted like monolingual patients whose disease was less advanced.

Indoor Tanning Tips

The Benefits of Tanning in a Tanning Salon


Tanning became popular in the late 1970s and has not slowed. Today, they are a multi-billion dollar industry because of the many and wide range of benefits they offer. In the United States, over a million people visit a tanning salon every day.

A benefit of tanning in a tanning salon is it improves your appearance. Even if you are not a supermodel, a tanned look may make you feel like one. A tan accents the natural beauty you were born with, and no matter your physique, tanning will make you look better and your self-image receives a boost.

A large part of your self-confidence comes from the way you perceive yourself, and that perception often comes from the way you feel others perceive you. A person with a good tan is like a magnet for compliments, and a benefit of tanning in a tanning salon is you are tan all year. Then, you may hear perpetual compliments rather than just during the summer months.

Base Tan
If your tanning routine begins with your first trip to the beach each summer; the trip probably does not build your confidence. In fact, that pale, fleshy, look you have may cause you to linger in the sun too long. However, when you frequent a professional tanning salon you have access to trained professionals, who advise you how to begin your base tan in a way that is least harmful to your skin.

A benefit of tanning in a tanning salon is they are an excellent way to procure a safer tan. UV rays give your skin that beautiful tan, nevertheless, over exposure can injure your skin or even cause skin cancer. At a professional tanning salon, they control the UV rays your body absorbs by the type of lamps the bed uses. Their trained professionals work with you to make sure you enjoy your tanning experience, and it is as safe as possible.

In addition, UV rays are an excellent source of vitamin D, which is a vital nutrient your body needs. Vitamin D helps prevent breast, prostrate and colon cancers, and is an anti-depressant. In addition, it helps keep your blood pressure stable, and helps protect against arthritis and osteoporosis.

Tanning not only benefits your self-esteem, because of the healthy way your body looks, but it may help maintain the health of your body. Visit to learn more.

Why Men Marry: Revealed

By Lisa Daily

Why (and who) do men choose to marry? How do men define happily ever after? Are men really commitment-phobic and sex-obsessed?

In a book entitled VoiceMale: What Husbands Really Think About Their Marriages, Their Wives, Sex, Housework, and Commitment (Simon & Shuster, 2007) author Neil Chethik examines the findings from a national survey of married men, including in-depth interviews with 70 men and a survey of another 288. And some of his findings just might surprise you.

Why Do Men Marry?

Contrary to what some of my girlfriends have said, men do not marry for free laundry service. According to VoiceMale, “Men propose marriage primarily because they want the physical, emotional and intellectual companionship of a woman. Men like company.”

Are men commitment-phobic? Not with the right woman. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nine out of 10 men will marry in their lifetime. And according to the VoiceMale survey, “Men do the proposing 85 per cent of the time. At least formally, it is overwhelmingly men who initiate the marriage commitment.”

Can you drag a man to the altar? Not likely. According to Chethik, “Men entertain the idea of marriage only when they’re ready.” And these days, men judge readiness as a “flagging interest in the singles scene.” One man quoted in VoiceMale stated, “One morning I woke up next to a woman who could have been a Playboy model, and I didn’t want her.”

Where Do They Meet the Women They’re Going to Marry?

Why to Hire a Mortgage Broker

What Does a Mortgage Broker Do - The Benefits of Hiring a Mortgage Broker

The process of purchasing a house is complicated one, but trying to figure out as to which mortgage is best, different rates, etc, can be just like walking through a minefield. For this reason it is best to use the services of a mortgage broker and today more and more people interested in buying a house are doing so.
Why should you use the services of a Mortgage Broker?

A broker is a professional who holds requisite certification and has years of hands on experience before he became an expert in mortgages. They are regulated by Financial Service Authority (FSA), which has very strict guidelines to which they must adhere to. This also includes any information they provide to you and all ethical decisions they make concerning the advice they gave you.

Due to this reason, brokers work as independent professionals and provide unbiased advice to home buyers. Even when they belong to some company, you get much wider choice when it comes to the kind of mortgages you intend to take out and from whom you intend to take out with. You can compare this to building societies and banks, which actually try to arrange your mortgage solely with them.

What does a Mortgage Broker do?
As mortgage agents are experienced professionals in their field, they offer you specialized services which you can't hope to receive otherwise.

Apart from their advice, you can also expect him/her to:

• Search for the best mortgage for you.

• Provide a good "mortgage calculator" which will assist you in deciding as to how much money you can borrow.

• Immediate access to large number of lenders nationwide.

• Proper explanation of different mortgages-variable or fixed rate, add credit mortgage or self-certification, etc
This type of mortgage adviser can also assist you in selecting best possible survey companies, arrange all legal advice and fees, close all your paperwork - everything which is connected to mortgage, a mortgage broker will help you with. Additionally, broker may also advise you on the additional costs which you must include - like, mortgage protection insurance and its needs.

If you are interested in buying a house, or would like to re-mortgage your existing house, consultations with a mortgage broker can save you much more than what you think, and is surely worth the cost and time involved. Visit to learn more.

Tips on Home Security Systems

Security Systems for Your Home - Benefits of Buying Home Security System


With the tremendous increase in burglary rates and fire accidents in the recent years, protecting your home against these perils should be of utmost importance. After all, it is one of your valuable possessions, not just because you made a huge loan to buy your dream home but also because it has been fully furnished with expensive home essentials and electronics. A perfect security systems are the one and only solution to protect your home against these unexpected disturbances.

There are a variety of protection systems ranging from surveillance cameras to motion detectors. Whatever be the type you choose to guard your home, these systems basically have easy installation procedures and 24/7 security services to protect your home. Any time a potential threat is detected, the security agency receives a warning which is used to alert the local police officers. To exemplify, say a thief break into your home; this is immediately detected by your home security device that is connected to your phone line. The warning message is relayed on to the agency which first attempts to call the home owner in order to confirm if the alarm was a real one. In cases where it turns out to be false, no action is taken. In the event of not getting a response from the home owner the agency immediately rushes local police officers and emergency services to the site. The same procedure applies in the event of a fire that is sensed by smoke detectors.

Some security systems even blow off a loud alarm to alert the neighborhood of possible vandalism; while surveillance cameras can catch a video of the thief who attempted the break in. The biggest advantage of these home protection system is that it operates even in the event of a power failure by using backup battery power or also in instances when the phone line stops functioning.

Regarding the financial aspect of installing security systems, these are pretty inexpensive and you in turn have a greater chance of getting a discount from your home insurance provider for protecting your home with a security protection device. Also, the "protected by" yard sign that is placed by the security system providers serves as an added plus that alerts thieves who target your home since they may as well look out another unprotected house rather than risking an entry into a secure home.

Burglaries are happening everywhere and security systems is now a necessity not a luxury. Visit Http:// to learn more about your options to protect your family and your house.

Benefits of Buying a Condo

Condos For Sale - What Are the Benefits of Buying a Condo?


Buying a condo is much like the purchase of a single family residence, but with some benefits. In the condo the homeowners association trims the shrubs, mows the lawn, trims the trees and generally fixes other annoying and bothersome items like a roof leak and whatever is needed. On the other hand in the single family home YOU do all this work. Sounds like fun, huh!
Even in times of foreclosures and falling home sales, a condo purchase is an attractive option. Why? Because the cost is anywhere from 20 to 30 percent less than a regular single family home. Especially great for the young couples, singles or even retired seniors from states where it snows or freezes seven months a year. Another plus on the glad-I-bought-a-condo smile sheet, is no worry about shoveling, repairs, maintenance, or other dreaded chores. Yep! Sell the snow shovel and motorized lawn mower. It will no longer be a requirement.
Many people who want to enjoy easy living, follow the condos for sale trail in well established, close to comfortable and safe neighborhoods. Some may opt for a condo loft in a downtown area near all the action. Others may choose condos for sale in an area away from the noise if public transportation is available. Speaking of safety, owning a condo in a building with 40 other units provides an element of safety, too.
When leaving on a trip you can feel comfortable that you neighbor(s) will keep a sharp eye out for thieves who thought your condo would be a soft touch.
Okay! So much for "the condos-are-wonderful" tour. How about few questions you should ask prior to a purchase?
- Is there any law suit or pending litigation against the condo association? It is important that you are aware of it before signing any paperwork. Older condo units are the ones most susceptible
- Does the condo association have adequate reserves stashed away for repairs and improvements in case something serious occurs?
- Prior to signing on the dotted line for your condo purchase, you need an inspection. Since you are ostensibly a co-owner of the building, assessments can occur.
A condo purchase can increase your buying power. Condos usually cost less to maintain than a single family homes. Also condos have amenities that many could not otherwise afford. Swimming pools, tennis courts, exercise rooms, and, in many cases, a community center.
Condos are ideal for these who want comfortable living without extra maintenance work and there is abundance of condos for sale to choose from. Visit to learn more before buying a condo.

Online Advertising for Small Business

Small Business Online Advertising - Affordable Way to Promote Your Local Business

There are millions of small businesses in North America. These businesses range from a mom and pop corner store to a boutique salon. While many local businesses may be worried about so many problems, advertising is one of the most common concerns. After all, without people in the business to purchase the goods or services that the business provides, the business will not survive. Many small businesses have traditionally advertised in newspapers, radio and television advertising. However, newspapers have dwindling readership, radio ads are only effective during periods when individuals are actually paying attention and fewer individuals are actively watch television. Many business owners need to turn to small business online advertising to make up the difference.

There are a number of benefits to advertising your local business online. First, you will be able to reach a much targeted audience. Many online advertising companies allow you to target the age, gender and other characteristics that make up your target demographic. This saves you time and money because your ads will not be displayed to individuals who are not interested in your business. Online advertising for local business is not advertising on one website. It is determining which ad networks will be able to show your businesses' ads to the correct audience.

There are also a number of social media platforms that businesses use in order to advertise themselves. For example, businesses can use Facebook Pages as well as Facebook advertisements in order to lure in potential new clients. There are many companies that run contests on Twitter and Facebook to encourage new and current customers to become excited about a new product launch or service that the company is offering.
Small business online advertising is expected to grow for many years to come. Some experts expect that businesses will be spending a majority of their advertising budget on Internet based advertising within the next three years. There are more and more customers who are turning to the Internet to find the local products and services they need. Why shouldn't a local business capitalize on where their customers are turning for answers to their problems?

Check out small business online advertising for your local business today! Visit for more information on how you can get more customers and save money using online advertising.

Winnipeg landlord turns old trailer into cooker to rid furniture of bedbugs

WINNIPEG - A Winnipeg landlord who had bedbugs in his suites has designed and built his own solution for ridding the pests, he literally bakes them to death.

Leon Wieler took an old equipment trailer, installed heaters and fans, and now heats the inside to a temperature that's fatal to bedbugs.

Wieler calls that temperature the "thermal death point."

"It was a matter of necessity. I had my first case of bedbugs about four years ago. I'm a very hands-on landlord. I do my own repairs, that's what I do. And the response I was getting from my exterminators wasn't adequate," explains Wieler, who owns a 36-suite building.

"So I did my research and I became an exterminator and I built my bedbug oven, because the research has found that heat is the Achilles heel of the bedbug."

Wieler says he learned extermination himself, but needed a way to treat furniture, mattresses, TVs and computers.

So Wieler tried putting various items of furnishings in the trailer and eventually discovered that bedbugs die when the temperature hits 50 C.

It sounds simple, but Wieler says it took nearly four months of experiments to get the cooker right. Too high a temperature in one spot can start a fire or melt something. Too low in another spot might mean some bedbugs survive.

He also had to figure out how long it would take the heat to penetrate various types of furniture.

Three Ways Grapefruit Fights Aging

Living in California, I always have oranges or tangerines in the house. But I need to make room for grapefruit. Most of us know citrus (in season now) is loaded with immunity-boosting vitamin C. Grapefruit is a good choice, and it’s a winner on the anti-aging front too.

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Here are three ways that grapefruit helps fight aging: 

  1. Slows cell aging. Grapefruit contains large quantities of spermidine—which, as the name suggests, is also plentiful in, well, um, human sperm. The compound helps cells grow and mature, and in 2009, researchers in Austria found that when they added spermidine to the diets of mice, it both increased the life span of cells and slowed cell aging in the mice. Spermidine has also been found to slow aging in human immune cells by inducing autophagy—a process that helps our cells regenerate.
  2. Squelches harmful free radicals. The brilliant pink pigment in some grapefruit indicates the presence of lycopene, an antioxidant that combats the body’s cell aging triggered by harmful free radicals. Lycopene may also help lower your risk of several kinds of cancer, including prostate, colon and lung.
  3. Keeps your heart healthy. Grapefruit is a good source of fiber, including the soluble fiber that removes cholesterol during digestion. By preventing cholesterol from entering your bloodstream, soluble fiber helps lower the risk of age-related conditions like cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

Keep these tips and tricks in mind as you enjoy grapefruit:
AntioxiDON’T: Pair with some medications. One of the compounds in grapefruit binds to enzymes naturally found in your intestines that help reduce the absorption of some medications, including statins, anti-depressants and calcium blockers. When those enzymes are blocked, these medications are more easily absorbed, causing blood levels of these medications to rise faster and higher than normal, which can be dangerous. If you’re taking these medications, check with your doctor about including grapefruit in your diet. Chances are it’s all right so long as you’re consistent with how often and how much you eat grapefruit.

AntioxiDO: Eat the peel. To reap grapefruit’s full potential, use a zester (or the smallest holes on your cheese grater) to grate and then eat the peel—it delivers a healthy dose of vitamin C. Add the grated peel back to the juice you squeeze or top your salad with it. (Just be sure to scrub the fruit before zesting.)

7 Surprising Ways Happy Couples Stay Close

By Charlotte Latvala, REDBOOK

When I was single, I thought marriage was like that Beatles song: "All You Need Is Love." Of course, I still think love is an important part of the mix, but now that I'm a little older and wiser -- and a veteran of 12 years of wedded bliss -- I know that you need a lot of other things, too.

My husband, Tony, and I, for instance, couldn't survive without central air-conditioning (when I'm hot, I'm horribly cranky), his and hers bookshelves (sorry, my precious set of Jane Austen hardbacks can't be defiled by his swaggering Robert Ludlums) and a phrase we both use to stop the drama when we're arguing and frustrated ("Let's cut to the chase here").

Our "can't live without" list has changed over the years (the water bed is long gone; comfortable dining room chairs are in), but certain essentials are here to stay. Read on for a surprising list of what every couple must have -- besides that beguiling basic, love -- to keep their bond going strong.

Related: Dear Whys Guy: "Do Guys Believe in Finding One True Love?"

1. A beautifully framed picture from your falling-in-love days.
Of course you need some wedding photos around the house, but those shots are often about so much more than just the two of you, such as your families, the fabulous dress and the dizzying, hectic stress of it all. So display -- prominently -- a snapshot from your dating days, too, says psychologist Diana Kirschner, Ph.D., author of Opening Love's Door. "Looking at a photo of the two of you sitting in a canoe, or wherever, all gaga over each other, is an instant way of returning to that state when you were falling in love," she says. "You always want to stay in touch with that magic chemistry you first had and strive to go back to those days in some way."

Related: Could You Love a Man Who Wears Skinny Jeans?

2. A movie you both love.
For many years of dating and marriage, Tony and I had opposite tastes in movies (me: historical, character-based films; Tony: big-bang action movies and complicated thrillers). I was always a little sad that we rarely snuggled up on the couch to ooh and ahh over the same flicks. Then, The Lord of the Rings movies came along. We were both captivated (sword fighting and manly allegiances for Tony, complex characters and moral dilemmas for me -- and Sean Bean and Viggo Mortensen didn't hurt, either). We've finally found a flick -- well, three -- that we're equally passionate about. And we get a "this is our thing" glow whenever one of us throws out a LOTR-ism, such as calling the space between my son's bed and the wall (where all the Lego pieces and Matchbox cars disappear) the Crack of Doom or quoting Gandalf ("Keep it secret, keep it safe") when one of us entrusts the other to make a bank deposit.

Doctors say reporter suffered migraine, not stroke, during Grammy coverage

LOS ANGELES, Calif. - A TV reporter who lapsed into gibberish during a live shot outside the Grammys suffered a migraine, her doctors said Thursday.

KCBS-TV reporter Serene Branson was doing a stand-up Sunday outside the Staples Center where the award show was held when her speech became incoherent. The station quickly cut away, and she was examined by paramedics and recovered at home.

Branson's incoherence fuelled Internet speculation that she suffered an on-air stroke. But doctors at the University of California, Los Angeles where she went to get a brain scan and blood work done ruled it out.

Doctors said the kind of migraine Branson suffered can mimic symptoms of a stroke.

"A migraine is not just a headache. It's a complicated brain event," said UCLA neurologist Dr. Andrew Charles, who examined Branson.

Most people with migraines don't have any warning. But about 20 to 30 per cent experience sensations before or during a migraine attack.

The most common sensations include seeing flashes of light or zigzag patterns. In Branson's case, she felt numbness on the right side of her face that affected her speech, Charles said.

"She was actually having the headache while she was having these other symptoms," he said.

Branson told doctors she's had migraines since a child, but never suffered an episode like this before, Charles said.

Branson, a Los Angeles native and two-time Emmy nominee, worked at the CBS affiliate in Sacramento before joining KCBS. Prior to that, she was a reporter and anchor at TV stations in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara.

Zinc will help your cold, at least a little

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new look at the medical evidence shows zinc supplements may take the edge off the common cold.

But not a whole lot.

Although the precise estimate is still uncertain, researchers found that people who started taking zinc-loaded lozenges or syrups within 24 hours of showing symptoms -- a sore throat, say, or runny nose -- shortened their cold by one day. By comparison, a normal cold lasts about a week.

Still, with an infection that currently has no good treatment and leads to an estimated 275 million lost work days a year in the U.S., well, what a difference a day makes.

The review, published by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization that evaluates medical research, also shows that people taking the supplements tended to have milder symptoms.

"I think one can give it a try," said Dr. Meenu Singh, a pediatrician at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, India, who led the new work.

"But giving zinc over a long period of time for prevention should be done very carefully," she told Reuters Health.

Zinc may interfere with other metals in the body, and that may have unpredictable consequences over the long haul, Singh said.

An earlier Cochrane review from 1999 didn't find any signs that zinc supplements would work. But since then several new studies - known as randomized controlled trials - have been completed.

The new review is based on 13 trials with 966 participants who either took zinc or a dummy treatment at the beginning of their symptoms. Another two trials found that zinc helped stave off colds, but the quality of that research was low.

Eat This For Gorgeous Skin

The best get-flawless-skin regimen? It's not a trendy spa treatment. It's a way of eating. Yeah, yeah, we know that for years, experts said greasy foods and chocolate don't cause pimples and that, overall, what you eat has no effect on your skin. But research proves otherwise. So follow these four rules on how to feed your face.

Related: Smooth Your Lady Lumps: The Best Anti-Cellulite Creams

Lay Off the White Stuff
Turns out french fries do cause breakouts. But it's not the grease that's the culprit, it's the potatoes. In a recent study, researchers looked at 1,200 natives of an island near Papua New Guinea and 115 hunter-gatherers in Paraguay and couldn't find a single zit in the lot. What's their secret? "A diet that consists almost exclusively of protein, fruits, and veggies," says Loren Cordain, PhD, professor of health and exercise science at Colorado State University and lead author of the study. Absent from their meals: the simple carbohydrates — such as white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and sweets — that are the basis of our modern diet. These carbs send our insulin levels soaring, and researchers speculate that this sets off a series of reactions that leads to breakouts.

Related: Your 2011 Get Gorgeous Guide

Simple food switch: Instead of refined white carbs, go for moderate amounts of complex ones like whole-grain bread, brown rice, and whole-wheat pasta (they're digested more slowly and don't lead to that skin-sabotaging insulin spike).

Liam Neeson Recalls Death Of Wife Natasha Richardson

For the first time since his wife's untimely death in March 2009, Liam Neeson is speaking out about dealing with his personal pain in a candid new interview for Esquire magazine.

In the interview, featured in the magazine's upcoming March issue, Liam spoke openly about the day his wife, actress Natasha Richardson, died following a skiing accident near Montreal at the age of 45.

PLAY IT NOW: Access Extended: Liam Neeson Talks ‘Unknown’

After receiving word that Natasha had suffered a head injury during a fall on the slopes, Liam - who had been shooting the film "Chloe" in Toronto - rushed to be by his wife's side at the hospital and recalled the chaos of the scene.

"I walked into the emergency -- it's like 70, 80 people, broken arms, black eyes, all that -- and for the first time in years, nobody recognizes me. Not the nurses. The patients. No one. And I've come all this way, and they won't let me see her," Liam recounted to Esquire. "And I'm looking past them, starting to push... I know my wife's back there someplace. I pull out a cell phone -- and a security guard comes up, starts saying, 'Sorry, sir, you can't use that in here,' and I'm about to ask him if he knew me, when he disappears to answer a phone call or something. So I went outside. It's freezing cold, and I thought, What am I gonna do? How am I going to get past the security?"


It was then, the 58-year-old actor recalled that a nurse recognized him and pointed him towards his wife's room.

"I was so [expletive] grateful -- for the first time in I don't know how long -- to be recognized. And this one, she says, 'Go in that back door there.' She points me to it. 'Make a left. She's in a room there.' So I get there, just in time," he continued. "And all these young doctors, who look all of 18 years of age, they tell me the worst."

Five Reasons To Eat More Chocolate!

By Marni Wasserman

Five reasons to eat more chocolate!

If there is one item to stock up on this month it's chocolate. I'm talking about pure, dark, raw, 100% cacao. Nothing beats the pleasure that comes from a dose of chocolaty goodness. Indulging in this decadence is even better because, in case you didn't already know it, chocolate is actually good for you.

The purest form of raw chocolate is known as cacao, which comes directly from a bean or pod. Here is why it is so good for you:

1. Cacao provides your body with a host of nutrients including antioxidants, iron, chromium, and zinc. It even contains vitamin C.

2. Cacao contains extremely high levels of magnesium, which help to support the heart, increase brainpower, build strong bones, relax muscles, and increase alkalinity.

3. Cacao has a low glycemic index and therefore doesn't cause your blood sugar levels to rise and crash. A square of dark chocolate everyday can actually help to bring you into balance and reduce cravings for other forms of refined sweetness.

4 Dangers That Make Even Healthy Foods Toxic

Stocking your refrigerator with veggies, salmon, or calcium-rich milk, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on your way to a long, healthy life. (Although, that’s an excellent start!) Even the healthiest foods can have hidden dangers such as bacteria, toxins, or growth hormones, which are known to increase the risk of cancer or illness. But here knowledge is power. You can easily sidestep nutrition pitfalls by knowing the following food toxins and how to avoid them.

Toxin #1: E. Coli and Salmonella Bacteria
Where It’s Found: Pre-Cut and Pre-Bagged Vegetables

You might remember the massive spinach re-call in 2007 after instances of salmonella, the most-common foodborne bacteria, infected pre-bagged spinach. And all those people affected thought they were ingesting a super food instead of a super bug! The fact is the more vegetables are handled, the more likely that they have come into contact with common food borne pathogens. Though the vegetables have been washed before they are packaged, the Food and Drug Administration recommends washing all vegetables (both pre-cut and not) before consumption. Another factor to consider is surface area. Pre-cut vegetables have been sitting for longer periods of time with greater surface areas, meaning more places for bacteria to cling to. Consider forgoing the convenience of pre-packaged vegetables and going for whole versions instead. What you give up in time and convenience, you make up for in making sure your veggies are cleaner. Plus whole vegetables are cheaper too!

Everything You Need to Cook and Serve Food Like a Pro!

Toxin #2: Bisphenol-A (BPA)
Where It’s Found: Canned Foods

BPA is synthetic estrogen that disrupts the endocrine system and is associated with increased obesity and adverse effects in male and female reproductive systems. This nasty toxin is an integral ingredient in plastics (like food storage containers, sippy cups, and bottled drinks) and tin cans, which in turn gets absorbed into the food contained in these common vessels. According to Environmental Working Group, which tested the doses of BPA contamination in tin cans, people who consumed canned foods ingested levels of BPA that were comparable to those that harmed laboratory animals. To protect yourself from exposure, buy food in glass jars or research individual companies to learn whether or not they use BPA in their cans. Eden Foods and EcoFish, for instance, do not use BPA to line their cans, according to

Top 10 places to beat the winter blues

Brrrr. When Old Man Winter comes to town, it's easy to get down. But a visit to any of our favorite places to beat the winter blues will have you forgetting about the slush, snow boots, and dreary days of the long, dark season in no time. This year, why not pack your bags and head to top winter destinations like the slopes of Banff, the aquatic playgrounds of Belize and the Red Sea, the sands of Búzios, the quirky town of Key West, or even your own private villa on St. Barts? If it takes more than surf or snow to stimulate your senses, head out on a sophisticated city trip to Los Angeles or Melbourne, where sunny climes and attractive lifestyles beckon, or go even farther afield, on a trip of a lifetime to Rajasthan or Antarctica. Indeed, the icy waters at the bottom of the globe become passable only when the temperatures drop in the Northern Hemisphere, allowing adventuresome travelers seeking a rare annual opportunity to spot the season's coolest sights - penguins, icebergs, and glaciers.

1. Búzios, Brazil

For a ritzy, St. Tropez-like escape in the dead of winter, you can't beat Búzios - located at the tip of a long, beach-fringed peninsula about 100 miles north of Rio de Janeiro. Much beloved since the days Brigitte Bardot strolled the shores of the area's Ossos Beach, this former fishing village retains much of its old-world charm, but now boasts a slew of glitzy boutiques, restaurants, and beachfront mansions to complement its fantastic string of 20-plus beaches, rugged coastline, and darling town. December to March is the best time to visit this top winter destinations, since Brazil's summer weather is just right for a dose of Brazilian pleasures. Beat the blahs this year by sunbathing to your heart's content, sipping caipirinhas at beachside cafés, and, at night, hitting the happening Rua das Pedras - a popular street lined with galleries, restaurants, and bars. (Photo: Brazil Ministry of Tourism)

2. Belize

This Central American up-and-comer - about the size of Massachusetts - is packed with potential. The tiny English-speaking country fronts the Caribbean Sea and offers sunny, warm weather all winter long and loads of adventuresome travel opportunities. Case in point: The longest continuous barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere borders the coast of Belize, making the waters here outstanding for snorkeling and diving. Offshore atolls and sandy reef shelves are home to baby sharks, massive stingrays, skinny eels, and lots of colorful marine life. Inland, the Maya Mountains are swathed in thick rain forests with thousands of streams and rivers cascading down - ideal for jungle treks and nature tours. Also not far offshore are dozens of islands, called cayes, which make for great day trips or secluded stays; Ambergris Caye and Isla Bonita are among the most developed, boasting chic restaurants and resorts, while Caye Caulker remains more laid-back and remote. Nature buffs will also love the Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary - just a few miles east of Belize City - which protects over 9,000 acres of sea and mangrove; local guides bring visitors by boat to survey the abundant wildlife at one of the world's top winter destinations. (Photo: Belize Tourism Board/Tony Rath of Tony Rath Photography)

Seize Mubarak's money

Governments and international banks should seize Hosni Mubarak's assets and hold them in escrow to be returned to the people of Egypt, an international corruption watchdog said Friday.

"What is happening in Egypt today shows there is a major problem with a lack of transparency," said Huguette Labelle, the chair of Transparency International, an influential international corruption watchdog with ties to the UN.

After 18 days of protests, former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak stepped down on Friday, although his exact location remains unknown. His wife and sons are rumoured to have long since fled the North African nation.

His financial assets are believed to be spread across the globe, and as the motions to replace him in a democratic Egypt lurch into action, so too has the international movement to retrieve any financial assets he may have absconded with.

"When there is a dictator who appears to have acquired much more wealth than he would warrant as a salary of a head of a corporation or country, they should investigate immediately because you don't know where those assets are parked," Labelle said.

Labelle spent 19 years in deputy ministerial positions in the Canadian civil service across a variety of departments before chairing the international lobby group in 2005. She is also chancellor of the University of Ottawa and is a Companion to the Order of Canada.

She spent seven years presiding over CIDA, the Canadian International Development Agency, and now calls for international governments and banking institutions to investigate Mubarak's assets and seize any illegitimate funds.

"If there is any evidence of illicit transfers, then you put this money in escrow," she told CBC News on Friday. "It's the people's money. It should return to the people assuming there is a government that will look after it."

Reports this week estimated that Mubarak's family wealth could be in excess of $40 billion — a figure that would put him just behind Berkshire Hathaway head Warren Buffett, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Carlos Slim Helu, the world's richest man.

Those figures were based on numerous estimates, as finding an exact figure of how many funds the deposed leader could even theoretically have access to is as yet unknown. But it's estimated that 40 per cent of Egypt's 80 million people live on less than $2 a day.

A report by think tank Global Financial Integrity released in January found that Egypt is losing more than $6 billion US a year — more than $57.2 billion US between 2000 and 2008 — to illicit financial activities and official government corruption.

12 Of The Healthiest Foods

To adopt healthy eating strategies, start by incorporating these foods into your diet. By Liz Welch and Lindsay Funston

See More: 23 Cooking Uses for Your Microwave

Super Foods

Real Simple asked the country's top dietitians and nutritionists to tell us which superpowered ingredients we should be incorporating into our diets regularly. Here are their combined picks, plus some simple and delicious preparation suggestions. (For more of their advice, see The No-Diet Diet: Your New Healthy-Eating Plan.)


Meaty and filling, as a stand-in for beef they can slash up to 400 calories from a meal. They may also protect against breast cancer by helping to regulate a woman's estrogen levels.

Try this: Sauté sliced mushrooms and shallots until tender. Add a splash of white wine and cook until evaporated. Serve over roasted fish or chicken. Or try Grilled Steak, Mushroom, and Green Bean Salad.


Another high-fiber cholesterol fighter. On weeknights use the pearl or quick-cooking variety. More time? Give hulled barley, with its extra layer of bran, a go.

Try this: Add sautéed mushrooms and sherry vinegar to cooked barley. Or try Creamy Barley Salad With Apples.

See More: 22 Crowd-Pleasing Dip Recipes


A surprisingly good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Those are the fats that lower the bad-for-you cholesterol (LDL) and raise the good-for-you kind (HDL).

Try this: For a healthy on-the-go snack, pack a handful of walnuts with some dried figs and a few anise seeds. (As the ingredients sit together, the anise releases flavor.) Or try Corn Salad With Feta and Walnuts.

Whole-Grain Pasta

Contains three times the amount of fiber per serving as the typical semolina variety. Skip pasta labeled "multigrain": It may be made with a number of grains, but they aren't necessarily whole ones.

Try this: Toss whole-grain pasta with pesto, chopped arugula, and grated lemon zest. Or try Whole-Wheat Spaghetti With Asparagus.

See More: 25 Dishes to Warm the Heart

Peanut and Almond Butters (All-Natural)

Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats abound in these protein-rich spreads. Opt for those with just two ingredients—nuts and salt.

Try this: Mix with soy sauce, brown sugar, and rice wine vinegar to make a quick Asian dipping sauce for chicken skewers. Or try Cold Noodle Salad With Peanut Butter Dressing.

Oatmeal (Steel-Cut or Old-Fashioned)

Holds cholesterol in check, helps fight against heart disease, and keeps you full until lunch, thanks to its soluble fiber.

Try this: For a savory breakfast, drizzle cooked oatmeal with olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan.

See More: Food Labels, Decoded


It may cook like a grain, but quinoa is actually an herbaceous plant. It's a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids, and offers the same energy and satiety you would get from meat, sans the fat or cholesterol.

Try this: Stir fresh lemon juice and chopped fresh dill into cooked quinoa. Or try Spiced Cod With Broccoli-Quinoa Pilaf.

Skim Milk

It offers nine essential nutrients: calcium, of course, but also B vitamins, which help neurological function, and vitamin D, a potential cancer fighter.

Try this: If you want a break from your regular morning coffee, warm a cup of skim milk with a dash of vanilla and ground cinnamon. Or try Low-Fat Fettuccine Alfredo.

See More: The Best Salad Dressings


Packed with monounsaturated fatty acids, which keep blood vessels healthy. The plant fibers help lower cholesterol.

Try this: Fold chopped almonds into cooked whole grains, along with raisins or dried currants. Or try Chickpea Pasta With Almonds and Parmesan.


A protein powerhouse, these are flush with folate, a nutrient that may prevent certain birth defects.

Try this: Toss cooked lentils with extra-virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, chopped celery, and fresh thyme. Serve over salad greens. Or try Spice-Baked Sea Bass and Red Lentils.

See More: 18 Easy Convenience-Food Updates


Packed with fiber, this superfruit was one of the top antioxidant-rich picks in a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study.

Try this: Serve over vanilla frozen yogurt with a pinch of ground cardamom. Or try Frozen Blueberry Lemonade.


Made from wheat that has been steamed, dried, and cracked, this delivers more fiber than brown rice, plus you get a boost of potassium, B vitamins, and calcium.

Try this: Cook bulgur as you would oatmeal. Top it with honey and chopped nuts for breakfast or a hearty snack. Or try Minty Bulgur Salad With Salmon and Cucumbers.

A&W attempts to make fast-food restaurants feel more fashionable

The future of the downtown burger joint includes self-order kiosks, stainless steel cutlery, and keeping the food preparation process out of sight, based on new A&W eateries being rolled out across Canada.

When the first Canadian drive-in location of the chain opened on Portage Avenue in Winnipeg in 1956, little thought was given to reducing the environmental impact of its deep fryers, let alone offering healthier food on the menu. But these details appear to be a priority now.

The "urban concept" A&Ws are positioned as a more fashionable version of the fast-food restaurant, not unlike what future Canadian arrival Target has become to discount department stores.

Designed by Cincinnati-based firm FRCH, the first three locations opened on the company's home turf of Vancouver last year, along with one in Calgary. Another opened last month in downtown Toronto, with more to follow in cities including Montreal.

Menus at the newfangled locations include a Spicy Chipotle Chicken sandwich, in apparent response to the growing popularity of the Chipotle Mexican Grill chain, which is primed for expansion across Canada.

But nostalgia has remained a big part of the marketing of A&W, too. The company sponsors "Cruisin' the Dub" events, aimed at aging boomers with fond memories of sipping root beer floats in their convertibles, back in the day when few gave much thought to tossing grease-stained burger wrappers to the curb.

Julia Roberts to play evil queen in Snow White (Reuters)

Photo by Chris Jackson, WireImage

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Julia Roberts has closed a deal to star as the evil queen in one of three rival Snow White projects in the works.

The actress has signed to star in a modern-edged take being directed by Tarsem Singh (" The Cell ") for Relativity Media. Shooting on the untitled project begins in April.

The story follows Snow White as she looks for payback along with her band of seven dwarves after her stepmother kills her father. It is set for a June 29, 2012, release.

Roberts most recently starred in "Eat Pray Love ," and will next be on screen with Tom Hanks in the comedy "Larry Crowne," which opens July 1.

Elsewhere, Disney is moving ahead on a Snow White project set in 19th century China, while Universal has been courting Kristen Stewart for the lead role in its version.

TD and CIBC to hike mortgage rates by as much as one-quarter of a point

By The Canadian Press

TORONTO - At least two of Canada's big banks raised raising some of their fixed-term mortgage rates by as much as one-quarter of a percentage point, beginning Tuesday.

TD Canada Trust's bank's five-year mortgage, one of the most commonly chosen by homeowners in Canada, will rise 0.25 of a percentage point to 5.44 per cent.

TD (TSX:TD) is also raising its three- and four-year rates by one-twentieth of a point, to 4.35 per cent and 5.14 per cent respectively.

One- and two-year closed mortgage rates are rising 0.15 of a percentage point to 3.50 per cent and 3.75 per cent, respectively. TD will also raise its six-, seven- and 10-year closed mortgage rates by a quarter point.

Meanwhile, CIBC (TSX:CM) raised its posted rate for a five-year closed mortgage by 0.25 percentage points to 5.44 per cent.

The bank also raised its one and two-year year closed mortgages by 0.15 percentage points and its three and four-year rages by 0.2 percentage points. CIBC's seven and 10-year rates were boosted by 0.25 percentage points.

Fluctuations in fixed-term mortgage rates usually reflect changes in the bond markets, while short-term rates and variable rates linked to prime are more influenced by the Bank of Canada's policy decisions.

7 Avoidable Reasons You’re Waking Up Tired

Posted By Kaboodle, Thu, 3 Feb 3:35 PM
If you’re getting the recommended seven to 10 hours of sleep, yet still can’t shake a lethargic feeling, your fatigue may have little to do with the amount of z’s you’re catching. Health conditions and factors in your waking life could be contributing to your general malaise. Before hitting the snooze button yet again, check out the following 10 potential reasons you’re waking up tired and learn how to restore your spark.

1.    You’re anemic.
 While there are several types of anemia, a condition that relates to abnormally low levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which prevent adequate oxygen from traveling throughout your body, the common symptom is often loss of energy and chronic tiredness. If you find yourself easily fatigued, you could have deficiencies in your blood. A blood test can determine if you are anemic and the condition can often be managed by taking supplements as suggested by your doctor.

2.    Your sleep schedule is inconsistent.
It may feel good to sleep in on the weekends, but if you go to sleep and wake up at different times throughout the week, you’re disrupting your circadian rhythms that are crucial regulators of your sleep cycle. Consistency is key in maintaining energy so sleep specialists suggest going to sleep and waking up within an hour of the same time each day.

3.    You’re bored.
Lack of stimulation can wreak havoc on your energy levels. If you find yourself bored with your job, consider taking on a new, exciting project. You’ll find that an active mind can do wonders for your energy.

How to Enjoy Your Office More

4.    You’re not getting enough sunlight.
Sunlight sends the signal to your brain to release serotonin, a naturally occurring feel-good chemical that makes you feel happier and more alert. Unfortunately, desk jobs and the use of unnatural light can mess with our circadian rhythms and the regulation of crucial alertness chemicals in our bodies. According to WebMD, spending at least 20 minutes outside can make you feel instantly more energized throughout the day and increase the quality of your sleep that night.

The Proper Use Of Fonts In Your Resume

Fonts in your resume

The Proper Use Of Fonts In Your Resume

By Mark Swartz
Monster Senior Contributing Writer

The content of your resume—all those carefully chosen action verbs and achievement statements—is what convinces an employer to invite you in for a job interview. That’s why you spend so much time on writing and re-writing the words.
Your choice of fonts is also important. Select the proper type and your resume will be easily read by anyone who needs to view it (or by any scanning system the employer might use to capture your information electronically). But if you try to get overly fancy in order to attract attention, you may instead make your resume practically unreadable.
Font Basics

A font is a specific type of lettering and numbering design that you use in composing a written document. The words you are reading in this article are set in a particular font style used extensively by
Fonts come in distinct families. They differ in terms of their look and other qualities, such as size, weight and spacing.
Font Readability

When you submit your resume in response to a job posting, your document will either be read directly by people, or will get scanned first into an electronic applicant tracking system. In either case it’s vital that the fonts you use make your words easy to interpret.

Simple, clean fonts like Arial or
guarantee the readability of your text. More ornate fonts, such as those named Informal, Roman, or Chiller, may give your document more personality. They will certainly stand out from ordinary typefaces. However they may also make the reader strain their eyes, or the letters may not be correctly interpreted by scanners. This can drop your resume to the bottom of the pile.

Clean And Sleek Versus Fancy And Memorable

There are two main categories of typefaces. One is called Serif, the other is Sans Serif.
Serif fonts tend to be more stylized. They all have little markings, curves or hooks as part of their design. Here are some examples of Serif font families:
  • Times New Roman
  • Bookman Old Style
  • Century

Because Serif fonts are not as sleek as Sans Serif typefaces, you should consider avoiding their use in job applications. They can cause scanning software to make errors and reject your resume.

Are you About to Be Fired from Your Job?

Are you about to be fired?

Are You About To Be Fired?

By Howard Levitt
Lang Michener LLP
Monster Employment Law Expert

Rarely should a termination for cause come as a surprise to anyone. Let's face it, there are warning signs that your job is in jeopardy. You can choose to ignore the signs and kiss your severance package goodbye or you can protect your right to a severance package. Here are some ways to throw a wrench in your employer's plan to terminate you without any compensation.

1. Identify "red flags" raised by your employer which indicate trouble is brewing. If you have had one or more meetings with your employer where you have been counselled or verbally warned about misconduct or poor performance or have received written warnings or suspensions, you are on the road to a termination for cause. For most forms of misconduct, employers have to demonstrate to a court that you were warned and given an opportunity to improve before they can successfully assert cause for the termination. Meetings, letters and suspensions are ways of proving that you knew your conduct or performance was unacceptable. In essence, your employer is "building" its case for cause.

2. Understand your employer's expectations. If you are placed on a performance improvement plan (PIP), make sure you know what is required of you under the plan. Ask for additional training if required or any other assistance you need to succeed. Identify unrealistic expectations and voice them.

3. Respond to all criticisms of your performance or your conduct in writing. Employees often remain silent in the face of such criticisms. Silence equates to acceptance. If there is a reasonable explanation for your poor performance, such as lack of training or proper equipment to carry out your duties let the employer know. If you are being unfairly criticized, say so and why-although politely and respectfully to avoid a termination for insubordination. Don't wait until after the termination to dispute the validity of the warnings. It is too late then. Ask for all your responses to be put into your personnel file along with the warning letters.

4. Create your own "paper trail". An employer creates a paper trail to build its case for cause for termination. Keep copies of all warnings letters or written criticisms of your performance and your responses to them. Where you are not able to respond, keep notes of the incidents giving rise to the criticisms and your take on them. Courts love documentary evidence and your memory may fail you over time.

Simple life changes could stop millions of cancers

LONDON (Reuters) - About a third of all common cancers in the United States, China and Britain could be prevented each year if people ate healthier food, drank less alcohol and exercised more, health experts said on Friday.

Estimates from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) suggest that making simple lifestyle changes could prevent some 40 percent of breast cancers alone in Britain and the United States, as well as tens of thousands of colon, stomach and prostate cancers.

"It is distressing that even in 2011, people are dying unnecessarily from cancers that could be prevented through maintaining a healthy weight, diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors," Martin Wiseman, a WCRF medical and scientific adviser, said in statement.

In China, 620,000 cases, or 27 percent are preventable, the WCRF said, as are about 35 percent, or 340,000, in the United States and 37 percent in Britain. Healthier lifestyles could prevent 61,000 cancers in Brazil and 79,000 in Britain.

The WCRF findings are backed by World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations, which say regular exercise can prevent many diseases such as cancers, heart diseases and diabetes.

Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world and its incidence is rising. Each year around 12.7 million people discover they have cancer and 7.6 million people die from some form of the disease. There are about 200 known types of cancer.

Nicole Kidman was ''damaged'' by Cruise split

Los Angeles, Feb 3 (PTI) Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman has said her split from Tom Cruise in 2001 left her emotionally "damaged" but still thinks it was a "great relationship".

The ''Rabbit Hole'' star separated from the actor - with whom she has two adopted children Isabella, 18, and Connor, 15 - in 2001 after 10 years of marriage and although Kidman struggled to cope after their marriage broke down, she has tried to see the positives in their relationship, reported Marie Claire magazine.

"We were very, very tight and that''s why we lasted 10 years which is a good amount of time, particularly when you get married at 23. That was a great relationship. I think it ran its course."

Nicole now lives away from the spotlight in Nashville with her husband Keith Urban and their two daughters Sunday Rose, two, and Faith Margaret, who was born in December, but the actress claims she often felt forced into being a celebrity during her marriage to Cruise.

"You don''t think of yourself like that. I knew he was a really big star, but after a while, to get to a real place in a relationship, that has to wear off," she said.

Dog Behavior and Training

  • Why do dogs bark?

    Kerry GoldFri, Jan 28, 2011 1:58 AM PST

    barking dogYour neighbour's dog is barking. And barking. And barking.

    No, the poor dog isn't doing his best to raise your blood pressure. He's merely doing what comes naturally — which is, for the majority of breeds, to bark.

    There are many reasons why a dog that is alone would bark repeatedly. The most likely reason is sheer boredom and loneliness. Dogs will bark if they are left alone too long, or cruelly tied up in a backyard with little or no stimulation. Just like a person, a dog suffers when put in isolation and left without companionship. They are social animals, and that means the lonely and bored dog bark is one of the saddest barks of all. Such barking is a big red flag that you need to address your dog's needs. Is he alone for long periods of time? Is he left isolated and without attention for long periods? How often does he get walked? How often does he get petted and praised? Dogs need exercise to work off pent-up energy, no matter what their size. If your neighbour's dog is a problem barker, address the issue with your neighbour and suggest a good trainer. If the dog appears to be barking because it's suffering from neglect, a call to the local Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals might be in order.

    Temple Grandin is a gifted best-selling author and professor who seems to have a special gift when it comes to working with animals and is the subject of a film starring Claire Danes, released last year. She told recently that she worried about dogs that were left isolated all day.

    "Nowadays there are too many dogs locked up all day, whining, chewing up their paws. That's not a very good life for a dog. So you've got to do something about it. Give them another dog to play with, take them to work if they'll allow it. Take them to doggie daycare. But a dog doesn't have a very good life if he's locked up in a crate for hours and hours on end."

    Aside from isolation and boredom, there are other reasons your dog might go on a barking spree. Here are a few, based on a survey of expert opinions.

One Of The Health Benefits Of Spinach Is It Can Help You Relax

By Julie Daniluk, R.H.N.

Did you know that spinach can help you relax? More health benefits and a tasty saag chicken recipe

Spinach is the perfect way to green-up your winter menu. When it's really cold outside, it's natural to crave carbs, but if you want to minimize weight gain in the frigid months, consider a Popeye boost.

Unlike many leafy greens, spinach is sweet and easy to use in any recipe, which is why it's so popular. Last year, the United States Department of Agriculture reported more than 60,000 acres of spinach were harvested. As we move deeper into winter hibernation, we have to get our vegetable intake from wherever possible and spinach is an inexpensive option you can keep in the freezer. I recently discovered an organic, frozen-vegetable company called Green Organic Vegetables Inc. that is available all across Canada.

Five reasons why you should add more spinach to your diet:

1. Spinach is an excellent source of calcium: By supplying 100mg of calcium in every 100g serving, spinach is an excellent alternative to dairy for its ability to support healthy bone growth and prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

2. Spinach can help you relax: Spinach is one of the highest sources of dietary magnesium. Magnesium is necessary for smooth muscle relaxation of the arteries, as well as for hormone development in our adrenal glands to cope with high stress levels.

5 possible Earth-like habitable planets found

Five potential Earth-sized planets that may support liquid water — and so possibly life — have been found by NASA's Kepler mission.

All five orbit the habitable zone — the region around a star where the temperature is just right for the existence of liquid water — of stars that are smaller and cooler than the sun, NASA announced at a news conference Wednesday. Liquid water could make it possible for life as we know it to exist on those planets.

However, follow-up observations are needed to verify that the signals observed by the Kepler space telescope are actual planets, the U.S. space agency cautioned in a news release.

NASA released new data Wednesday from the telescope on more than 1,000 possible new planets outside our solar system — more than doubling the count of what astronomers call exoplanets.

They haven't been confirmed as planets yet, but some astronomers estimate that 90 per cent of what Kepler has found will eventually be verified.

Overall, Kepler found 54 potential planets around the habitable zones of several stars, although most are at least double the size of Earth.

The telescope has been searching 156,000 stars in its field of view — about 1/400th of the sky — for signs of planets since September 2009.

"The fact that we've found so many planet candidates in such a tiny fraction of the sky suggests there are countless planets orbiting sun-like stars in our galaxy," said William Borucki of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., the mission's science principal investigator.

Cyclone hits Australia's northeast, wrenching off roofs, cutting power to thousands

CAIRNS, Australia - A massive cyclone crashed into northeastern Australia on Thursday, ripping roofs from buildings and cutting power to thousands of homes but leaving the scale of disaster unknown as officials and residents holed up while the tempest raged.

The Bureau of Meteorology said the destructive core of Cyclone Yasi hit the coast a few minutes after midnight at the small resort town of Mission Beach in Queensland state. Dozens of other cities and towns in the region — known to tourists worldwide as the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef — were being battered by heavy rain and winds forecasters said could reach gusts of 186 mph (300 kph).

Witnesses reported seeing roofs ripped off, buildings shaking and trees flattened under the power of the winds. Officials said the storm would cause the sea to surge inland and flood some places to roof level.

The storm will compound misery in Queensland, which has already been hit by months of flooding that killed 35 people and inundated hundreds of communities. The storm struck an area north of the flood zone, but the weather bureau said it would bring drenching rains that could cause floods in new parts of the state.

More than 10,000 people fled to some 20 evacuation centres set up in a danger zone stretching some 190 miles (300 kilometres), amid strong warnings in the past two days. Many others moved in with family or friends in safer locations. Still, authorities were preparing for devastation, and likely deaths.