Brighter than Einstein: Schoolgirl has an IQ of 162

In many ways, she's a typical 11-year-old girl. She enjoys swimming, dancing and playing musical instruments. She wants to be a vet when she grows up and she excels in school. Her parents are proud of her.

Every parent thinks their child is a genius. Victoria Cowie's parents have her Mensa acceptance to prove it.

Victoria has an IQ of 162. The score puts her ahead of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates.

The Wolverhampton-area-raised schoolgirl's intelligence puts her among the top 1 per cent of the British population. (The average IQ is 100. Mensa only accepts those boasting IQs of 148 or higher.) Since her test scores went public, four prestigious schools have approached Victoria with full-scholarship offers.

The child wonder tells The Daily Mail, "When I got the results, I was really surprised. It's quite daunting to be compared to great minds, but it feels good also to be thought of as that clever."

Victoria's parents were pleasantly surprised their child, already identified as exceptionally bright, scored so high. Her mother, Alison, says 'When she was at nursery she had the reading ability of a child twice her age and she won science awards at school. We always knew she was clever — she was always in the top sets and her teachers always praised her — but we never quite thought she'd be in Mensa," according to the The Daily Mail.