3 Holiday Foods that Actually Help You Lose Weight

3 Holiday Foods That Actually Help You Lose Weight
It's the holidays and you're supposed to be enjoying yourself! Problem is, you're reading all these blogs about how fattening eggnog is, so you'll have to borrow Santa's pants after the string of holiday soirees you've got lined up.

Related: Which Is Healthier: Hot Chocolate or Eggnog?

Today, I'd like to bring you a little good cheer, to tell you about three holiday foods that might actually help you lose weight. Cue: Little Drummer Boy… Drumroll, please.

Holiday Weight-Loss Wonder #1: Pistachios. Various studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be leaner than those who don't, and a recent Harvard study revealed that nuts are a top food for driving weight loss. Read the full list: Top 5 Foods for Weight Loss (and 5 That Make You Gain). Pistachios, in particular, are a great choice: a 1-ounce serving (157 calories) contains a generous 49 nuts. The ones you have to shell yourself are even better, as removing the shells slows you down and seeing evidence of what you've eaten may prevent you from reaching in for more. In a recent study out of Eastern Illinois University, people who were given unshelled pistachios consumed 41 percent fewer calories than those offered nuts with the shells already removed.