5 expenses that will consume 50% of your lifetime earnings

In these recessionary times, financial tips are flowing fast and furious about how to save money and stick to a budget. Facing a sea of information many people are asking, "Where do I start?"   For most of us, five areas of spending will consume over 50% of the money we earn during our lifetime, so that's the best place to begin.

The five areas are: Home, car, children, education and retirement.  Here's what you need to know about each:

  • Don't bite off more HOME than you can chew. How much house can you comfortably afford? For most people the answer is a house with a purchase price of no more than 3x their annual household income.  Rationale:  the cost of a home includes much more than the monthly mortgage payment. It's also property tax, insurance, upkeep, etc.  Typically these costs run 2%-3% of the price of your home each year.  Assuming a 20% down payment, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage, and interests rates in the 5%-6% rate, the 3x your income rule of thumb will translate into total housing costs of roughly 30% of your gross income.