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Henry Cavill Cast as Superman in Zack Snyder Film
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Henry Cavill, the star of Showtime's "The Tudors," has been cast as iconic superhero Superman in a film to be directed by Zack Snyder, Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures confirmed in a statement Jan. 30.
"In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honored to be a part of his return to the big screen," Snyder said. "I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and the producers in saying how excited we are about the casting of Henry. He is the perfect choice to don the cape and 'S' shield."
Cavill will be seen later this year playing Greek warrior Theseus in director Tarsem Singh's action picture "Immortals," and opposite Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver in the thriller "The Cold Light of Day."
The 27-year-old actor was reportedly on the shortlist for "Superman Returns" when McG was to direct it, but when Bryan Singer took over the project he went with Brandon Routh instead.
6 Foods That Cause Heartburn (and How To Avoid Them)
By Leigh Doyle
Feeling that familiar fiery discomfort after your favourite slice of pizza? That’s heartburn. “It’s caused by the digestive acids in the stomach rising up into the esophagus and causing a burning sensation, discomfort and pain,” says Lorrie Ingram, a registered holistic nutritionist, in Stratford, Ont. Certain foods are more likely to trigger heartburn than others, but that doesn’t mean you have to give them up for good. Ingram explains why these six popular foods cause heartburn:
Peppers Sweet or hot, these colourful vegetables are inflammatory, which triggers your body to create more acid to help digestion.
Cheese Cheese and other high fat foods, like red meat or nuts, can cause heartburn because fat slows down the emptying of the stomach. This means there’s more pressure in the stomach pushing acid into the esophagus.
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Alcohol Beer, wine and spirits relax the muscles in your body – including the esophageal sphincter, which exists to keep acids out. After a drink or two it doesn’t work that well.
Citrus Fruit These are highly acidic and that extra acid will only make heartburn worse. The main offenders are oranges, grapefruit and orange juice.
Carbonated Drinks The gas in pop or sparkling water can become trapped in your stomach and create pressure that pushes acid into the esophagus.
Caffeine Anything caffeinated is highly acidic and that increases the likelihood of heartburn.
15 New Superfoods You Should Start Eating Now
By Megan MacMillan, RHN
1. Raspberries Fresh raspberries rule for fibre, with twice as much (8 g per cup) as blueberries have, and frozen ones contain double the vitamin C of frozen blueberries. They score extra points as one of the best sources of ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant thought to inhibit cancer-cell formation.
2. Beets A great source of folate, which guards against birth defects, beets may help detoxify carcinogens and relieve inflammation. The greens are rich in eyesight-saving lutein and zeaxanthin, so eat them too.
3. Safflower oil Olive oil gets the glory, yet safflower oil, a polyunsaturated fat, deserves praise too. A recent study found cooking with it increased lean muscle, stabilized blood sugar and torched belly fat - which could be promising news for people with diabetes and those battling the bulge.
4. Rainbow trout Packed with protein and low in saturated fat, this delicious fish delivers a wide array of nutrients, including vitamin D and heart disease-fighting omega-3s.
6 Words That Get You What You Want
Trust us, you'll want to add these magic phrases to your vocab pronto.
By Ashley Womble
Related: 4 Mega-Awkward Things You Need to Say
Remember at the end of the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy realized all she had to do was say, "There's no place like home," and boom — she'd be back in Kansas? Well, get ready because what you're about to read is a little like that. We asked the Good Witch of Words (okay, her real name is Lynette Padwa and she's the co-author of 27 Powers of Persuasion) to clue us in on the phrases every woman should know to deal with these annoying situations.
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Get a Bartender to Pay Attention to You
There's no bigger buzz kill than spending 15 minutes trying to order a drink. Short of yelling "Fire!" there's no way to clear out a crowded bar, so when the bartender spots you try this trick: Overtip for your first drink, be sure he/she sees what you're handing over, and say with a smile, "Be good to me." By the time you order your second round, your tipping will even out but your service will be so much better.
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Stop Your Roommate from Being a Slob
Anyone that's ever had a roommate has had to stare at a sink full of dirty dishes on occasion. Problem is, everyone has a different standard of how clean their home should be. So try saying, "Hey, I know neither of us wants this place to look like a frat house, so let's set aside some time to clean together." This way you're working as a team to come up with a compromise instead of judging or leaving passive-aggressive notes.
Breast Implants Might Raise Risk of a Rare Cancer
By Patrick Corcoran on January 27, 2011
The Food and Drug Administration says it has detected a possible link between breast implants and a rare form of cancer.
As reported by the The Washington Post, federal authorities say that both silicone and saline breast implants might increase the likelihood of developing a cancer of the immune system known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or ALCL.
Sixty cases of ALCL have been found in women with breast implants, who number between 5 and 10 million around the world. “Although very rare, the FDA believes women with breast implants may have a small increased risk of developing ALCL,” said William Maisel, the agency’s highest-ranking scientist.
The FDA said that women with implants, which are used both for cosmetic reasons and reconstructive breast cancer surgery, do not need to take any special steps to protect themselves, but they should seek medical attention immediately if they observe swelling or pain around the implant.
The announcement followed a study of the medical literature since 1997, which documented 34 cases of ALCL, and subsequent reports from regulators and manufacturers around the world. The FDA also asked doctors to report any further cases of ALCL immediately.
Silicone breast implants were linked to cancer and other maladies decades ago, which led to their temporary prohibition in 1992. However, after further studies largely discounted the connection, the implants were allowed to continue.
Posted in Medical Errors, News & Notes, Product Hazards and Recalls
Never mind that cold snap - fed stats suggest Canadian winters getting milder
MONTREAL - Here's a warm thought for Canadians complaining about the cold: the winters here are not nearly as frigid as they once were.
Vast swaths of this country are experiencing a winter freeze that has become the subject of numerous media reports and even made international news Monday with the online headline from Britain's BBC: "Wind chill warnings across Canada."
But figures compiled by Environment Canada, and released to The Canadian Press, provide a little perspective.
Those statistics from the national weather office reveal a drastic drop in the number of cold days — defined as anything -15 C or colder — in recent decades.
The trend is noted in every city measured across the country — in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Calgary. Even Vancouver's mild winters have gotten milder.
The most striking change was in Toronto. Environment Canada's figures note a 52.8 per cent drop there in cold days from the 1970s to the decade just completed.
"It's not just one area, it's not just the Arctic — it's from coast to coast to coast," David Phillips, a senior climatologist at Environment Canada, said Monday in an interview.
The numbers reveal an overarching pattern:
—During the 1970s, there were 276 total cold days in Toronto, for an average of 27.6 days per year. Between 2000 and 2009 there were only 130 such days, or just 13 per year.
—In Halifax, there were 226 such bone-chilling days during the 1970s — or 22.6 days per year — which declined to 143 days, or 14.3 per year, during the first decade of the millennium. That represents a 36 per cent drop from the 1970s in the number of cold days.
—Winnipeg had a whopping 930 such days in the 1970s — or 93 days per year — compared with just 775 days in the last decade. That's a 16.7 per cent decline from the 1970s.
—Calgary had 562 cold days in the 1970s — or 56 per year — compared with just 412 in the decade that just ended. That's a 26.7 per cent drop.
—Vancouver, with its warmer winters, had 101 days that dipped below -5 C in the 1970s, compared with just 47 in the decade that just ended. That's a drop of just over 63 per cent.
In almost every case, for every city, the decline was steady from one decade to the next.
Simple Goal Setting that Gets Results + Free Goals Workbook | Reading For Your Success
Written by Scott Dinsmore – Follow me on Twitter.
“What gets measured gets done.”
~John E. Jones
Note from Scott: Check out my Free Goal Setting and Action Workbook at the end of this post.
A million people write about goals this time of year. So why add to the mess?
Because goals get results. And I have a system that works.
In the past year I ran my first barefoot ultramarathon, swam across the San Francisco bay, grew my investment fund from $1m to $3m, worked out with Tim Ferriss, grew my following here at Reading For Your Success from 100 to just over 2,500 subscribers (thanks guys!) and most importantly got married.
I don’t rattle these accomplishments off to brag. I mention them because they were all huge goals of mine at the beginning of 2010 and as a result of some serious planning and ridiculously hard work, they are now a part of my reality. I want the same for you.
Goal Free Living Is a Myth
Lately I’ve heard buzz about goal free living. While I subscribe to the belief that life is not all about accomplishments and checking boxes, I also know that for 99% of people out there, if we don’t set goals and create a plan, we’ll never get off our asses and do something meaningful. I’m one of them. If you’re that 1% who is totally set and done being epic then you might want to stop reading here. You might even want to unsubscribe.
For the rest of us let’s go make some magic!
I freaking love the New Year. It’s a time for reflection and a time for making kick ass plans for the upcoming year. Something about the clock striking midnight on December 31st fills the world with passion and energy to make big plans. I love it.
The problem is that’s usually as far as people get.
This is something interesting to read and then do it.
New nutrition labels coming to the front of food packages
By Nanci Hellmich, USA TODAYGrocery shoppers will soon see the amount of calories, salt, sugar and saturated fat per serving plastered on the front of many popular food and beverage packages.On Monday, the food industry unveiled its voluntary front-of-pack labeling, called Nutrition Keys, designed to help make healthful choices.
The Nutrition Keys also can include up to two other nutrients, such as potassium, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, iron or protein.
The program is designed to "promote healthier lifestyles," says Pamela Bailey, president of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which announced the program with the Food Marketing Institute.
Consumers will start seeing the labels on some food packages in the next few months, but they won't be widely found until the end of the year. The program applies to packaged foods, but not fresh foods such as individual bananas or apples.
The plan is already drawing fire from some critics who say the industry is trying a pre-emptive strike so it doesn't have to use a plan being developed by the Food and Drug Administration.
"Just putting those numbers on the front of packages could be confusing rather than helpful," says Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. "People may not know how to use these numbers in the context of a day's diet."
The program has not been tested or approved by an impartial group and doesn't contain a simple color-coding system that would help consumers make sense of the numbers, he says.
Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition at New York University and author of Food Politics, says, "It's hard not to be outraged at industry pre-emption of what FDA is trying so hard to do."
But Bailey says that last March, first lady Michelle Obama challenged the industry to develop a front-of-pack labeling system to help busy consumers make informed decisions.
Is Tanning Safe
Below is the article to check on safety of tanning beds:
How Safe Are Tanning Beds
Tanning beds simulate the skin coloring radiation of the rays of the sun and gives women that golden glow they want without their having to wait for the perfect day to do so or having to stay out in the sun for hours to get properly tanned.
The question now is, are tanning beds really safe? Should you get a tan with the help of a tanning bed or should you achieve getting a tan the natural way? Are there other options available to those who want to have a tanned look?
Tanning and Tanning Beds
We all love that golden glow that tanning gives us, and we all know the harm that the sun’s rays can cause one’s skin if one is exposed too long to it. This is one of the reasons why people sometimes opt for tanning salons since the UV rays used to darken one’s skin for that healthy outdoor look is controlled.
Tanning beds can use two different kinds of UV rays: UVB and UVA. UVB rays are shorter, and UVA rays are longer. Most old types of tanning beds are made with UVB rays being used for tanning while newer ones use the longer waved UVA rays. Tanning for prolonged periods of time can generate certain adverse results so care should be taken when tanning with any device using these two types of UV rays. UVB rays can cause sunburns if not monitored carefully, and UVA rays can cause internal skin damage if a person is left exposed to it for longer than is necessary. While tanning beds are generally safe to use, overuse is not.
Precautions When Tanning in Tanning Beds
When you are planning on getting a tan in a tanning salon on a tanning bed, some of the precautions you need to take is to know what kind of tanning bed they are using and how long is it safe for you to stay under the tanning bed’s rays according to what UV rays they are using. Inquire about this ahead and read up on safety instructions for it. The next thing you need to make sure you do is to purchase the right kind of eye protection for your tanning bed experience. When a tanning salon attendant tells you it is safe to simply wear dark glasses when under the rays of a tanning bed, do not believe them. Since these are direct UV rays we are talking about, you should get the proper kind of eye protection to keep your eyes from getting burned by these rays. The only proper eye protection for when you use a tanning bed are the eye protection goggles that are made for these equipment.
Explosion at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow kills 31, injures 130
MOSCOW - An explosion ripped through the international arrivals hall at Moscow's busiest airport on Monday, killing 31 people and wounding about 130, officials said. The Russian president called it a terror attack.
The state RIA Novosti news agency, citing law enforcement sources, said the mid-afternoon explosion at Domodedovo Airport may have been caused by a suicide bomber. Those at the airport said it was filled with thousands of people at the time and the terminal filled up quickly with smoke.
"From the preliminary information we have, it was a terror attack," President Dmitry Medvedev told officials in a televised briefing.
He ordered authorities to beef up security at Moscow's two other commercial airports and other transport facilities, including the subway system, the target of past terror attacks.
Although there have been repeated attacks on the Moscow subway and Russian trains — most blamed on Chechen militants — the bombing Monday was the first involving a Russian airport since 2004.
Sergei Lavochkin, who was waiting in the arrivals hall for a friend to arrive from Cuba, said he saw emergency teams carrying bloodied people out of the terminal.
"I heard a loud bang, saw plastic panels falling down from the ceiling and heard people screaming. Then people started running away," Lavochkin told Rossiya 24 television.
Going Wireless on Burglar Alarm
Some traditional ways to reduce burglary cases are (1) keeping your area visible by trimming shrubs and trees or other obstructions which may serve as hiding point for burglars ; (2) securing your home with locks from windows to gates and other possible entry point; (3) getting guard dogs as burglar lookouts. However with the advent of technology, burglar alarms were produced to easily entrap the housebreaker.
A burglar alarm is a type of electronically-devised alarm to keep intruders away from a home or establishment. It also signals the home owner that an intruder is present in their vicinity. These days there different types of burglar alarm which you can choose from. Burglar alarms are available to install on your doors, windows or even in a closed television circuit – wired or wireless.
Nowadays, more people find wireless security systems to be most convenient. You do not need to add any extra wiring or do any rewiring once you opt to go for wireless burglar alarm. This type of alarm is designed in such a way that it will bring handiness to the installer as well as convey simplicity in the area where you are most likely to install it.
Additionally, you will also have the chance to save some money since there is no need for you to get a professional installation to fix your alarm wirings. Most wireless burglar alarms are easy to install and flexible. When you decide to transfer from one house to another, you can always bring your alarm with you.
Due to a wireless burglar alarm’s flexibility, you can have different alarm location preferences every now and then. You can place a wireless burglar alarm on doors and windows. Doors and windows are the common entry point of burglars hence it is strategic to put alarms on it.
There are various types of wireless burglar alarm which you can select from. If you have a home where walls and ceilings are made of glass, then a wireless burglar alarm glass break detector will be most helpful. On the other hand, there is a type of wireless burglar alarm which can detect smoke and motion. Security-camera is another type of burglar alarm which is wireless and also available on the market.
You can explore different types of wireless burglar alarm over the net. The specifications, its benefits and prices are readily available for you to go through. You may also opt to visit hardware stores within your area to check out the latest wireless burglar alarm they have. Make sure to choose a wireless burglar that will best protect your home.
Do not let any burglars have the opportunity to steal something away from you. Do not let them take away the things you have worked hard for. Most importantly, do not let them end the lives of your significant others.
Invest in a wireless burglar alarm. It may be a bit costly but the benefit it will bring you is long-lasting. After all, safety and peace of mind most often than not, precede money and everything else.
Learn more about home security systems at http://securitysystemsedmonton.com/.
How to Stop Overeating
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you sit down with a half-gallon carton of ice cream every time things don’t go your way that you are an emotional eater. Many women know exactly what this means but don’t know how to change their habits. Hormones play a large part in this type of eating and that is something that you don’t have that much control over. Even worse, the foods you crave are usually sweet, salty, and fatty foods that are high in calories.
You can learn tips on how to stop overeating starting with recognizing when you are really hungry and when you are not. There is a difference between physical and emotional hunger and only one of these should be met with food! If your stomach isn’t rumbling and you ate within the last few hours, then you may really be feeling anxiety or stress instead of hunger.
If you are an emotional eater, then you have probably been this way for some time. There are probably certain events, or triggers, that cause you to overeat. If you don’t recognize them already, then write down in a journal everything you eat and the major events that are going on during the day. Look for patterns that will let you know what is causing you to indulge in all the wrong foods.
Find a substitute for your eating habits. You can’t expect to learn how to stop overeating without having a way to divert your emotions in a more positive way. Instead of breaking out the ice cream, go for a walk around the block. Give an old friend a call or find something you’ve been meaning to read but keep putting off. Distract yourself with something else you enjoy that doesn’t involve food.
It isn’t realistic to think you can eliminate in-between meal snacks altogether if you are used to eating all day long. Instead, get rid of all the junk food in your house or in the desk at work and replace it with healthy snacks. Focus on eating three healthy meals a day with reasonable portions rather that eating constantly throughout the day. One reason that eating out is so much more fattening is that the portions tend to be much larger than we need to eat at any single meal. One of the best ways for how to stop overeating in restaurants is to order a salad and a kids’ entrĂ©e for your meal.
Whatever you do, never get the buffet that will allow you to eat as much as you want before you even realize what you have done. You won’t feel full until fifteen minutes after you have eaten and by then it will be too late! You can learn how to stop overeating by recognizing the difference between real physical hunger and emotional hunger and then tending to each in the healthiest ways possible!
Check http://weightlossincalgary.com/ and learn the difference between overweight and obesity.
Types Of Mortgage
Foreign officials shower Obamas with gifts
Foreign officials typically shower Barack and Michelle Obama with all manner of keepsakes at state meetings in Washington and abroad. Fancy jewels, artwork, jackets, gold watches, and portraits upon portraits of themselves in any medium imaginable -- the first couple sees it all.
The State Department this week released the catalog of foreign gifts (PDF) that were bestowed on the Obamas and other U.S. officials in 2009. Gifts for the Obamas included an $8,000 bronze statue of a girl releasing doves, from Israel's President Shimon Peres; a $1,200 porcelain statue of oxen, from Chinese President Hu Jintao (who is visiting the United States this week); a $14,200 silver and pearl necklace, from Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia; and a $6,000 crystal table containing an image of the American flag, from Italy's Silvio Berlusconi.
The gifts are a longstanding state tradition, meant to mark the friendly meeting of world leaders and the countries they represent.
George W. and Laura Bush received similar items during Bush's tenure in the White House, including decorative items, pieces of clothing, and books -- as well as some more unique presents (fertilizer and a sniper rifle, for example.)
Can Eating Less at Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?
We've heard time and time again about the importance of eating breakfast but a new study suggests cutting back on what you eat in the morning might help you eat less during the rest of your waking hours.
The results show that, the more calories people eat at breakfast, the higher their total daily calorie intake is. This finding was true of both obese and normal weight people.
Participants ate around 500 to 550 calories for lunch and dinner, regardless of how much they ate for breakfast - it didn't matter whether they skipped it entirely or had a hearty morning meal, the researchers said.
As a result, those who ate a big breakfast - on average, 400 calories more than a small breakfast - took in 400 extra calories during their day.
"Overweight and obese subjects should consider the reduction of breakfast calories as a simple option to improve their daily energy balance," the researchers said.
However, other experts said this study isn't enough to rule out the importance of breakfast, and more work is needed to determine whether reducing your morning calories actually leads to weight loss.
Katherine Tallmadge, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, said that in her experience, "It's easier for people to eat healthy if they eat better breakfast."
Condos for Sale
Most of the time, condos for sale are very expensive, though you wouldn’t think they would be. Because they are not a whole house, most assume they are going to be much less. Because these are so nice most of the time, you may pay the same for apartments for sale that you would for a house of a comparable size. Most don’t get them to save money, but rather, they enjoy the experience of apartment living much more so than if they were to own a home. It can be more social, and many maintenance needs are taken care of through complex dues and taxes.
There are some small areas that might not have condos for sale, but most mid sized and larger cities have these everywhere. You may have gone past them thinking it was just another apartment building when in fact they are all owned by those who dwell within them. Most of them are more secure than other types of residential apartments, and there is a staff that is always on hand. Though some only have one or two people for the needs of the complex, some have many more than that. Everything to do with building maintenance should be taken care of by such a staff, much like if you had a landlord to call when something went wrong.
You can usually find condos for sale in your local classifieds or buying condos guide, but you may have to see a Realtor to find the good ones. If you are about to retire and you think you would to sell your large home to move into something like this so you don’t have the worries you do with your home, you can contact a Realtor to take care of selling your house and finding great condo for sale that you might like. Look for a good neighborhood, if that is a concern where you live, and find something that meets all of your needs. These generally make life easier, and that is what you should be looking for when hunting.
Visit http://www.condosforsaleedmonton.net/ to learn more about condos for sale.
Kate Middleton: The Princess and Her Budget
Little girls now have a new role model in Kate Middleton, the popular soon-to-be princess of Britain. But unlike the fairy tale fantasy depicted in Cinderella and Snow White, real-life princesses face budgets, money awkwardness, and financial stress. Here are a few of the money challenges Middleton will face as she navigates her new royal title:
[In Pictures: 12 Money Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes]
Who will pay for the wedding?
While tradition dictates that the bride's family usually foots most of the wedding bill, expense-sharing becomes more complicated when you're marrying the future King of England. Royal officials have announced that Middleton will marry Prince William at Westminster Abbey on Friday, April 29; the high security demanded by the venue is only the beginning of the additional expenses. According to the official website of the British Monarchy, "The Royal Family will pay for the wedding, following the precedents set by the marriages of The Prince and Princess of Wales in 1981 and Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip in 1947."
The AP reports that the Middleton family will contribute to the costs, as well, and that the public might be on the hook for security, but little else. Meanwhile, a survey by the Daily Mail found that 82 percent of respondents believe the Royal Family should pay almost all of the wedding expenses, and not taxpayers.
Will Middleton have any of her own money?
How to Get Thinner Legs
Many people take the wrong approach to getting their legs trimmed down and can end up making matters worse instead of better. The first thing you have to know, and accept, is that you can not reduce fat from one part of your body. If you are happy with your body from head to toe except for your legs, then doing leg exercises is not the answer for you. Some people still have the mistaken idea that it is possible to turn fat into muscle but that simply isn’t the case.
When figuring out how to get thinner legs, you aren’t going to work at building muscle. Instead, you will need to take a look at fat loss for the entire body. Unless you are an Olympic speed skater, the extra weight on your legs is going to be fat and not muscle! To get rid of it, you are going to have to do aerobic or cardiovascular exercise that speeds up your heart rate and increases your metabolism. This is the way to get your body to start burning fat for energy and to eliminate it from your body.
Even though you will need to do the exercises to burn fat to get the extra weight off your legs that doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from adding strength training to your routine. Adding muscle to your body will help speed up your metabolism and increase the amount of weight you lose! It will also help your skin look firmer and give you an overall toned appearance once you have lost the weight.
If you are serious about finding the best way with regards to how to get thinner legs, then nutrition should be a part of your plan, too. You have to tap into fat reserves and get your body to burn it in order to lose the weight and the best way to make your plan an effective one is by reducing the calories you are adding to your diet. Your body isn’t going to burn as much fat if it is using the calories you are eating daily to fuel its regular functions.
If you believe how to get thinner legs must involve suffering through a boring exercise routine, you may be surprised to find that your favorite activity can get the job done for you. Walking briskly for thirty minutes at least five days a week will burn the calories and reduce the fat without the need for exercise equipment or a trip to the gym. Swimming is another great choice. Once you realize that the focus is on increasing your heart rate and not on using your legs, you will find a lot of possibilities for exercises that you can enjoy.
You can find lots of weight loss advice on how to get thinner legs but they will all be based on the same idea. Burn calories to reduce fat storage and be patient to get the results you want!