How to Stop Overeating

If there were an easy solution for how to stop overeating, there wouldn’t be so many overweight people in the world today! In addition to causing obesity, overeating also leads to many types of illness including Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and joint disorders. Knowing your reasons for overindulging are key to learning how to stop overeating once and for all! There are many resources you can use to protect yourself from overeating and the weight gain as a result of it. Weight Loss in Calgary is the website you can learn a lot about losing weight, exercising, different diets and more.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you sit down with a half-gallon carton of ice cream every time things don’t go your way that you are an emotional eater. Many women know exactly what this means but don’t know how to change their habits. Hormones play a large part in this type of eating and that is something that you don’t have that much control over. Even worse, the foods you crave are usually sweet, salty, and fatty foods that are high in calories.

You can learn tips on how to stop overeating starting with recognizing when you are really hungry and when you are not. There is a difference between physical and emotional hunger and only one of these should be met with food! If your stomach isn’t rumbling and you ate within the last few hours, then you may really be feeling anxiety or stress instead of hunger.

If you are an emotional eater, then you have probably been this way for some time. There are probably certain events, or triggers, that cause you to overeat. If you don’t recognize them already, then write down in a journal everything you eat and the major events that are going on during the day. Look for patterns that will let you know what is causing you to indulge in all the wrong foods.

Find a substitute for your eating habits. You can’t expect to learn how to stop overeating without having a way to divert your emotions in a more positive way. Instead of breaking out the ice cream, go for a walk around the block. Give an old friend a call or find something you’ve been meaning to read but keep putting off. Distract yourself with something else you enjoy that doesn’t involve food.

It isn’t realistic to think you can eliminate in-between meal snacks altogether if you are used to eating all day long. Instead, get rid of all the junk food in your house or in the desk at work and replace it with healthy snacks. Focus on eating three healthy meals a day with reasonable portions rather that eating constantly throughout the day. One reason that eating out is so much more fattening is that the portions tend to be much larger than we need to eat at any single meal. One of the best ways for how to stop overeating in restaurants is to order a salad and a kids’ entrée for your meal.

Whatever you do, never get the buffet that will allow you to eat as much as you want before you even realize what you have done. You won’t feel full until fifteen minutes after you have eaten and by then it will be too late! You can learn how to stop overeating by recognizing the difference between real physical hunger and emotional hunger and then tending to each in the healthiest ways possible!
Check and learn the difference between overweight and obesity.