6 Words That Get You What You Want

Trust us, you'll want to add these magic phrases to your vocab pronto.

By Ashley Womble

Related: 4 Mega-Awkward Things You Need to Say

Remember at the end of the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy realized all she had to do was say, "There's no place like home," and boom — she'd be back in Kansas? Well, get ready because what you're about to read is a little like that. We asked the Good Witch of Words (okay, her real name is Lynette Padwa and she's the co-author of 27 Powers of Persuasion) to clue us in on the phrases every woman should know to deal with these annoying situations.

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Get a Bartender to Pay Attention to You

There's no bigger buzz kill than spending 15 minutes trying to order a drink. Short of yelling "Fire!" there's no way to clear out a crowded bar, so when the bartender spots you try this trick: Overtip for your first drink, be sure he/she sees what you're handing over, and say with a smile, "Be good to me." By the time you order your second round, your tipping will even out but your service will be so much better.

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Stop Your Roommate from Being a Slob

Anyone that's ever had a roommate has had to stare at a sink full of dirty dishes on occasion. Problem is, everyone has a different standard of how clean their home should be. So try saying, "Hey, I know neither of us wants this place to look like a frat house, so let's set aside some time to clean together." This way you're working as a team to come up with a compromise instead of judging or leaving passive-aggressive notes.