Simple Goal Setting that Gets Results + Free Goals Workbook | Reading For Your Success

Written by Scott Dinsmore – Follow me on Twitter.

Goal Setting Take Action

“What gets measured gets done.”

~John E. Jones

Note from Scott: Check out my Free Goal Setting and Action Workbook at the end of this post.


A million people write about goals this time of year. So why add to the mess?

Because goals get results. And I have a system that works.

In the past year I ran my first barefoot ultramarathon, swam across the San Francisco bay, grew my investment fund from $1m to $3m, worked out with Tim Ferriss, grew my following here at Reading For Your Success from 100 to just over 2,500 subscribers (thanks guys!) and most importantly got married.

I don’t rattle these accomplishments off to brag. I mention them because they were all huge goals of mine at the beginning of 2010 and as a result of some serious planning and ridiculously hard work, they are now a part of my reality. I want the same for you.

Goal Free Living Is a Myth

Lately I’ve heard buzz about goal free living. While I subscribe to the belief that life is not all about accomplishments and checking boxes, I also know that for 99% of people out there, if we don’t set goals and create a plan, we’ll never get off our asses and do something meaningful. I’m one of them. If you’re that 1% who is totally set and done being epic then you might want to stop reading here. You might even want to unsubscribe.

For the rest of us let’s go make some magic!

I freaking love the New Year. It’s a time for reflection and a time for making kick ass plans for the upcoming year. Something about the clock striking midnight on December 31st fills the world with passion and energy to make big plans. I love it.

The problem is that’s usually as far as people get.

This is something interesting to read and then do it.