5 Celebrity Body Secrets

Jennifer Lopez - Marie Claire

Jennifer Lopez - Marie Claire

Jennifer Lopez - Marie Claire

1. Eat! One big mistake women make is severely cutting calories, which slows your metabolism and makes you feel deprived. The result? You binge and gain weight.

2. When you're doing any kind of athletic movement--jumping, lunging, lifting weights--never lock your elbows or knees. Keep them slightly "soft" (but not floppy) to prevent joint injury.

3. MUST-DO MOVE: Upper-body twist

TARGETS: Obliques (sides of stomach)

HOW TO DO IT: Sit on a mat or rug with your knees bent and your feet flexed. Lean back slightly (at a 45-degree angle). Now reach across your body with your right hand, as though you're grabbing something on your left, then reach to the right with your left hand. Do 10 reps (five on each side), rest for 30 seconds, then do two more.