As anyone who's ever cleaned up after a dinner party knows, Americans waste a lot of food. In addition to the fruit, vegetables, and other items that go bad in our own kitchens, farmers and grocery stores toss unused goods as well. According to Jonathan Bloom, author of American Wasteland, it adds up to at least 160 billion pounds of wasted food each year. The problem is considered so serious that food industry groups have launched an initiative to reduce the amount of food that ends up in landfills while increasing the amount that goes to food banks.
[In Pictures: 10 Ways to Save on Food Costs]
In his book, Bloom says Americans themselves can also do a lot to stop food waste, starting with a few adjustments to refrigerator organization. Bloom recommends keeping a "use it up" shelf for items that will soon go bad so you remember to eat them. Here are 15 more recommendations from Bloom on how to waste less money on food:
15 Ways to Stop Wasting Money on Food
The right way to cook eggs
Eggs have a superior nutritional profile and can easily be prepared in a variety of ways. However, as foolproof as cooking an egg might seem, many people still end up over- or under-cooking this delicate eat. Which is why we’ve rounded up some expert tips for cooking perfect eggs every time, no matter how you like them.(Thinkstock)
Stressed? You may be having a girl
(ThinkStock photos)
(ThinkStock photos)
Stress causes gray hair, wrinkles, gastrointestinal problems girls? A new study by Oxford researchers presented this week at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine's annual conference, suggests that high stress levels in pregnant women may be linked to the sex of their baby.Researchers measured two stress-related hormones‚ cortisol and alpha-amylase, in 338 British women, in the six months leading up to their pregnancies. What they found was that women with the highest levels of Cortisal–the hormone associated with long-term stress and concerns over issues of health and well-being—were 75 percent less likely to have a boy
Celebrity Coastumes Ideas
A lot of people haven’t thought about being someone famous for Halloween, so that means you won’t be seeing that much people dressing up just like you. A couple of the most famous celebrities that would be perfect for anyone from any age to dress up as are Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, and of course, Amy Winehouse.
-Michael Jackson
Click any picture for details
Michael Jackson is the king of pop, and to dress up like him on Halloween would be anyone’s honor.
Gas pump handles found to be filthiest surface people touch
People may think they touch some filthy surfaces such as public washroom toilets and ATMs, but the dirtiest thing people touch regularly is something every driver does regularly.gas-p
A new study by Kimberly-Clark Professional finds that gas pump handles contain the most germs.
"People do not realize the amount of contamination they are exposed to going to work each day and doing everyday things like filling their gas tank or riding on an escalator," says Professor of Microbiology Dr. Charles Gerba in a statement.
Hygienists conducted the test by swabbing surfaces in high-traffic areas in six major U.S. cities and measuring levels of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). "Objects with an ATP reading of 300 or higher are considered to have a high risk for illness transmission," reads the statement.
New Cars, Used Cars, Car Reviews, Car Research, Compare Prices
Keeping existing customers is a hallmark to success in any business, and it's especially important in the automotive industry, where the average product costs well over $30,000 and the typical ownership cycle is five or more years.
While automakers in the luxury segment are often thought of as enjoying among the most loyal customers in the business, the top names in this regard are all mainstream makes, according to a just-released report based on second-quarter 2011 sales compiled by Experian Automotive in Schaumburg, Ill.
Data shows that Kia currently boasts the most loyal owner body, with nearly 48 per cent of buyers returning to the brand this year. Ford is second highest with 46.5 per cent repeat business. Chevrolet, Hyundai, Toyota and Honda all registered around 40 per cent brand loyalty, with Subaru bringing back buyers at the rate of around 36 per cent.
Photos of terrified visitors to Canadian haunted house go viral
If you are looking for a real scare this Halloween season, head to Niagara Falls Canada.
Unfortunately for people caught on hidden cameras at Nightmares Fear Factory, the only thing that may be scarier than what they witness when caught on camera is seeing their pictures splashed all over the Internet.
"This is by far the scariest haunted house we have ever been in," says Larry Johnson in the comments section of the Nightmares website. "If you decide to enter make sure you leave a will with family members."
The owners of the haunted house have been posting the photos to Facebook for two years and Flicker for one, but they really began to get a lot of attention after being featured by Buzzfeed earlier in October. They were even featured on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and have made their way to countries including Australia, England and Japan.
3 easy ways to save on your mortgage
If you're like most Canadians, not many. According to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMCH), "27 per cent of recent homebuyers have either made a lump sum payment or increased their regular payment." That leaves 73 per cent of y'all doing nothing to speed up your mortgage payoff!
The easiest of the pay-it-off-faster options is the accelerated payment plan. Instead of making the equivalent of 12 monthly payments, you make 13 with the extra payment going directly to your principal. It cost just a few dollars extra a week, but the impact over the life of your mortgage can be huge. On a $300,000 mortgage at 6.5 per cent over 25 years you'd save over $60,000 in interest just by choosing this option.
The option that sees the least action is the lump-sum anniversary prepayment. Most mortgages allow you to make an extra payment each year, which goes directly to the principal. But folks just never seem able to come up with the money. Hey, why don't you make an RRSP contribution this year and then take your tax refund and use that to make an extra payment against your mortgage?
Making everyday special
With the high and rising prices of gas, food and utilities these days, many families are cutting back on extra pleasures such as new clothes, vacations or home furnishings. Saying "no" to your family due to money stress can leave everyone feeling deprived and depressed. However, with the right spirit, fiscal restraint can be a golden opportunity for your family — a challenge for everyone to become more creative and a lesson in looking for luxury among the simple, everyday beauty in the world around us.
Mari Loewen is the founder of the lifestyle quarterly magazine ANNA, which is sold mainly by subscription and distributed across the country through McNally Robinson Booksellers, Chapters Indigo, Whole Foods Market and other retailers. Like many of us in today's high-priced world, Mari is no stranger to having to watch her finances and balance her budget. Unlike many of us though, Mari sought to rise above the consumerism. Indeed, through her experiences with her own daughter, Mari developed a personal motto of "Making everyday special," a sentiment that guides the content of her magazine as well.
Understanding that creating special memories and moments rarely requires excessive funds, Mari has provided us with 10 inspiring yet inexpensive (or free!) ways to make everyday more special for your family.
1) Secret messages
There's little that excites a child (or a spouse!) more than finding a surprise note tucked in their pocket or their lunch bag. Little words of wisdom, good luck wishes, quotes from their favourite sports hero, or simple x's and o's will brighten their day and make them feel special.
Personal trainer becomes obese on purpose to experience what clients go through
Why would someone whose job is to help people lose weight and get healthy, subject themselves to eating garbage foods and not exercising, you ask? Well, 30-year old Drew Manning from Eagle Mountain, Utah wanted to experience firsthand what his clients went through when struggling to get their fitness on track. Since May, Manning has gained about 70 pounds as part of his 6-month challenge of letting himself go. He’ll spend the following six months getting back into shape.
On his website, Manning says that his goal is to “Inspire people to get fit, teach them how to do it and give them hope that it IS possible to get fit and stay fit.”
Want to get married? Make sure you've got lots of this
Love and marriage-human beings are hardwired to seek both, if not one or the other throughout the course of their lives. There are books and magazines stuffed with tips on how to land a life partner and no end of beauty, fitness, and sex advice for women who are on the prowl or who are trying to maintain the spark in a long-term relationship.
But one new study (via suggests that there's a little more to getting to the altar than love and sex. That other oh-so-important factor: financial stability.
So if you're looking to get married in the next few years or months, it might be wise to choose a potential mate with a car and a healthy savings account. Conversely, if your boyfriend is struggling to pay his cellphone bill and you're still asking mom for $100 here and there, it's no wonder marriage seems like a distant dream.
Dan Wheldon Spent Final Night Getting His And Hers Tattoos With Wife Susie
Dan Wheldon spent the final night of his life creating a permanent bond with his wife, Susie.
The popular 33-year-old Indy Car driver died after a ghastly 15-car wreck that sent his car into the air and then into a wall on Turn 2 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Sunday.
Wheldon, with 16 career wins, took home the 2005 IndyCar championship and won this year's Indy 500.
Just hours before his death, Wheldon was at the Palms casino with Susie. He ran into his friend, George Maloof, the Palms owner, as Susie pushed a stroller carrying the couple's 7-month-old son, Oliver.
5 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Every Day
The new trend among the weight conscious? Eating more. Don't focus on consuming less of the "bad" foods — aim to incorporate more of the good foods into your diet. Not only will you feel less deprived but you'll also end up being too full to crave the junk. Try these five nutritional superstars for a result that's even greater than the sum of its wholesome parts.
1. Spinach
It can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis, lower your cholesterol, and raise your I.Q. Spinach is an excellent bone-builder, containing vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium. It's also high in flavonoids, plant molecules that act as antioxidants, which have been shown to prevent breast, stomach, skin, and ovarian cancer. Spinach is a great source of vitamin A and vitamin C, which not only keep you from getting sick in the winter, but also de-clog your arteries and reduce heart disease.
7 Of The Best Female Halloween Costume Ideas
Other popular woman costumes;
Creating The Perfect Men’s Pirate Costume
Captain Hook - This famous pirate was always after Peter Pan, but could never quite catch him. He has distinctive curly locks, a hook for a hand, and an irrational fear of ticking clocks!
No groceries for a year: How one family saved money, lost weight, and lived well
“A spider bit the goat, so we didn’t have dairy for a month,” says Rachel Hoff describing one of the misadventures that occurred during her family’s year without groceries. As for bread, she, her husband Tom Ferguson, and teenage son, Tom, Jr., had to do without when the both the oven and the bread machine went kaput in the same week. Despite occasional mishaps and deprivations, Hoff describes the experience, which she documented in her blog A year without groceries, as “surprisingly easy.” And, as of October 1 st , the family is sticking with the challenge for another year.Photo courtesy of Lori Eanes
Photo courtesy of Lori Eanes
Russians Claim 'Indisputable Proof' of Yeti
Russian researchers looking for the yeti — the Asian version of the North American Bigfoot — claim to have found "indisputable proof" of the long-sought mystery beast in Siberia.
There isn't a ton of evidence to work with — just a few strands of hair and some tracks in the snow — but it's enough that the research team says its 95 percent sure that the yeti exists. Others, however, are mighty skeptical of the findings.
The yeti is said to be muscular, covered with dark grayish or reddish-brown hair, and weigh between 200 and 400 pounds. The yeti is relatively short compared to Bigfoot, averaging only about six or seven feet in height.
Despite dozens of expeditions into the remote mountain regions of Russia, China and Nepal, both creatures' existence remains unproven. Sir Edmund Hillary, who was the first to scale Everest with sherpa Tenzing Norgay, found no evidence of the creature.
Kids Costumes and Halloween
Most children have always been fascinated with Halloween and one major attraction for this holiday has to do with putting on costumes. Children like to pretend and use their imaginations and Halloween is the perfect holiday where children can let their imaginations run wild. Not too long ago children dressed up as vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein’s monster and as sheet covered ghosts. Traditional monsters have always been a part of Halloween but in modern times children now have the ability to become almost any type of character that their minds can conceive. Costume manufacturers and companies have technology and materials available to them that allow them to produce almost any type of costume imaginable.
Sophia Grace Brownlee + "Super Bass" = Super Grace!
Ten-year-old Willow Smith may have just released a new single, "Fireball," with Nicki Minaj...but poor Willow has totally had her thunder stolen by an even younger Minaj-loving fireball from Essex, England, named Princess Sophia Grace Brownlee.
Okay, so the precocious 8-year-old Brit isn't really a princess...but Sophia has the tiara and certainly the fierce attitude of a queen.
3 Tips to Make Your Flowers Last
Last night I had the wonderful privilege of participating in a flower arranging workshop with celebrity flower designer and author Michael Gaffney.One of the biggest questions we had for the flower expert was: How do we make our fresh-cut flowers last longer? If you're going to splurge on flowers, whether it's for a special occasion or just to brighten up your home, you want them to last as long as possible, right?
Captain America Costume for Kids
Kids of all ages have always had a deep interest and love for superheroes. These characters are strong and powerful and always arrive on the scene in the nick of time to make a difference and save the day.
Throughout the ages there have been many different superheroes, but one continues to stick out and that’s Captain America. This larger than life hero, created in the 1940s, burst onto the scene in his American flag style costume.He carried a shield he could use in battling evil and always righted the wrongs done. Over 200 million comic books featuring Captain America have sold - his popularity has never waned. That’s one of the reasons the Captain America costume for kids continues to be a bestseller year after year.
When kids get this costume, it’s more than just donning an outfit - in their imagination, they become a hero whose job it is to fight for justice and to make a difference. It’s one of the most patriotic costumes around today. There are a variety of designs in the costume, but let’s focus on the top three most sought after designs.
Six ways to cook a turkey
Looking for a new spin on the traditional turkey? Here are 6 ideas to wow your guests this holiday season -- plus some tips for preparing a lighter feast.For many cooks, roasting a turkey in the oven is the tried-and-true method to prepare a traditional holiday feast. It’s relatively simple, it’s practically an art form and it allows a busy cook the time and attention to deal with preparing the rest of the meal. However, if you’re willing to break with tradition this year, you might just find a new technique that will “wow” your guests.
Before embarking on a turkey preparation adventure, you’ll need to determine your needs:
- How much do you need? Some techniques take longer than others and aren’t suitable for turkeys larger than 12-16 pounds.
9 things you didn’t know about the life of Steve Jobs
For all of his years in the spotlight at the helm of Apple, Steve Jobs in many ways remains an inscrutable figure — even in his death. Fiercely private, Jobs concealed most specifics about his personal life, from his curious family life to the details of his battle with pancreatic cancer — a disease that ultimately claimed him on Wednesday, at the age of 56.While the CEO and co-founder of Apple steered most interviews away from the public fascination with his private life, there's plenty we know about Jobs the person, beyond the Mac and the iPhone. If anything, the obscure details of his interior life paint a subtler, more nuanced portrait of how one of the finest technology minds of our time grew into the dynamo that we remember him as today.
By understanding human desire, Steve Jobs changed the world
FILE - In this Jan. 24, 1984, file photo, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new "Macintosh" personal computer following a shareholder's meeting in Cupertino, Calif. Apple on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011 said Jobs has died. He was 56. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)
Ted Anthony, The Associated Press, On Wednesday October 5, 2011, 11:50 pm EDTBy Ted Anthony, The Associated Press
CUPERTINO, Calif. - In dark suit and bowtie, he is a computing-era carnival barker — eyebrows bouncing, hands gesturing, smile seductive and coy and a bit annoying. It's as if he's on his first date with an entire generation of consumers. And, in a way, he is.
It is Jan. 24, 1984, and a young Steve Jobs is standing at centre stage, introducing to shareholders of Apple Computer Inc. the "insanely great" machine that he's certain will change the world: a beige plastic box called the Macintosh.
Here is the Wizard of Cupertino at the threshold of it all, years before the black mock turtleneck and blue jeans. He is utterly in command — of his audience and of his performance. All of the Jobs storytelling staples are emerging.
The hyperbole: "You have to see this display to believe it. It's incredible."
What’s missing in the iPhone 4S
It's not what you would expect: Apple just announced the next iPhone and its legions of fans are acting... well, disappointed. Today's debut of the iPhone 4S comes as a bit of a surprise. Most of us were waiting with bated breath for the iPhone 5 — Apple's true next-generation smartphone — but here we are with routine upgrade instead. So what's missing in the iPhone 4S that makes it such a letdown? Is it still worth upgrading? Or are those missing features enough to have you holding out for the next generation of Apple's wonder phone?
5 Tips From Early Retirees
At 31, Robert Charlton had grown disillusioned with his job as a technical writer. "The idea of doing a desk job for another 30 years seemed painful to me, so I came up with this idea of trying to retire before 45," he says. He shared the idea with his wife Robin, who was then 31 and working as a travel agent.
Robert read up on personal finance instead of hiring an adviser and looked at taxable accounts they could draw from before turning 60. During that period, Robin completed an accelerated nursing program to become a registered nurse. By age 43, they'd gone from $16.88 in their checkbook at age 28 to saving up enough money to leave both their jobs and live off the interest.
[See 10 Places to Retire on Social Security Alone.]
Now, years later, they travel the world, skydiving in New Zealand, hiking through India, sailing through the Chilean fjords, and documenting their adventures on their website, Although many people struggle to retire in their 50s or 60s, Robert believes it's possible for others to retire early as he and his wife did. "Really, we're very average people," he says, admitting that it's harder, though not impossible, for those with kids. "We never had power jobs. We just both took intelligent steps." Here are some of those steps.
5-Minute Fix: Look Untired Instantly
Stars jet from continent to continent; we jet from school drop-off to work to 1 a.m. mind-racing. And we all wake up looking wiped. Makeup artist Tracey Levy, who globe-trotted with actress Mila Kunis on her Friends with Benefits press junket, told us how she helped the star fake eight hours of rest.1. To hide dark circles, first apply a thick concealer.
2. Dab a liquid concealer with light-reflecting particles over the first concealer.
Related: 75 Most Iconic Hairstyles of All-Time
3. Rub a rosy cream blush on cheekbones and apples.4. Pat a brightly tinted lip balm on your lips to "bring color and moisture back to tired skin".
For example: Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer, $22; Giorgio Armani Beauty Master Corrector, $36; Stila Convertible Color blush in Lillium, $25; and Korres Lip Butter in Quince, $12.
Lady Gaga tops Halloween-costume list
Lady Gaga is known for her show-stopping outfits and a tendency to don a meat dress rather than red-carpet ruffles. This Halloween, she'll lose a little of her originality when people across the world create Gaga-esque homemade eggshell cases and teacup accessories.Lady Gaga topped the 2011 ShopRunner list of celebrity Halloween costumes, followed by Kate Middleton (fascinators will suddenly have a U.S. market). Katy Perry took third on the list, no doubt thanks to her array of wild costumes and rainbow hair.
Charlie Sheen ranks fourth (T-shirts are undoubtedly being tagged with the word "Winning!" at this very moment). And Kim Kardashian rounds out the list, which requires a hefty faux ring to look authentic.
Are Cooking Oils Good for You?
Nutritionist Joy Bauer, RD, shares all the information you need to know about fats and oils, including learning how hydrogenated fat is hidden on labels and the difference between virgin and extra-virgin olive oil. Armed with these essential tips, you'll be ready for any situation in the kitchen.
Q: Are there any oils I should avoid totally?Yes: The worst type of oil is an ingredient in packaged foods including some stick margarines, baked goods, chips, crackers and candy. I’m talking about partially hydrogenated oils—or trans fats, which is how they’re listed on Nutrition Facts panels on labels. Partially hydrogenated oil is vegetable oil that has been chemically altered so it’s less likely to spoil. Food manufacturers often add it to their products because it can help foods stay fresh longer.