Want to get married? Make sure you've got lots of this

Want to get married? Make sure you've got lots of this....

Love and marriage-human beings are hardwired to seek both, if not one or the other throughout the course of their lives. There are books and magazines stuffed with tips on how to land a life partner and no end of beauty, fitness, and sex advice for women who are on the prowl or who are trying to maintain the spark in a long-term relationship. 

But one new study (via Time.com) suggests that there's a little more to getting to the altar than love and sex. That other oh-so-important factor: financial stability. 

So if you're looking to get married in the next few years or months, it might be wise to choose a potential mate with a car and a healthy savings account. Conversely, if your boyfriend is struggling to pay his cellphone bill and you're still asking mom for $100 here and there, it's no wonder marriage seems like a distant dream.