7 Surprising Habits that Raise Blood Pressure

Are your habits dangerously raising your blood pressure?

Are your habits dangerously raising your blood pressure?

Think you're doing right by your heart, but your blood pressure still won't budge? One of these common BP-raisers could be to blame

They call it the "silent killer" - silent because it has no signs or symptoms. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects one out of three adults in the US, and women are about as likely as men to develop high blood pressure during their lifetimes. "One high blood pressure reading doesn't mean you're going to have a stroke on the spot," explains Richard Shlofmitz, MD, chairman of cardiology at St Francis Hospital, The Heart Center. "But when left untreated, sustained high blood pressure can lead to just that, as well as heart attack, heart failure, and kidney damage." And your numbers don't have to be crazy-high to be dangerous: