World's richest woman says 'Drink less, work more'

The world's richest woman, Australian mining tycoon Gina Rinehart, urged those "jealous" of the wealthy to "spend less time drinking" in a piece the government described as "insulting" on Thursday.

Rinehart, whose family iron ore prospecting fortune of Aus$29.2 billion (US$30.1 billion) also makes her Australia's wealthiest person, hit out at those who she said were envious of the rich.

Bananas No Longer Vegan?

Holy bananas!Holy bananas!In weird nutrition news of the day, Blisstree is reporting that your bananas may soon become non-vegan! How can that be? It turns out, a new spray-on coating designed to lengthen the shelf life of bananas may contain animal parts. At the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society this week, scientists unveiled a spray that reportedly will keep bananas from ripening for up to 12 extra days by killing the bacteria that causes the fruit to turn brown so quickly.

How to get healthier with five small changes

How to get healthier with five small changes

Over the last year I've kind of let myself go. Last summer, I fell in love and took off for a lengthy excursion around the globe, abandoning my gym schedule and eating as much as a pound of hummus in a single sitting. I don't regret a thing, but that life is (unfortunately) not my reality. Now, finally home and settling back into daily life, I've noticed that I don't feel as light on my feet, don't sleep as well as I used to, and I frequently find myself dehydrated and lacking energy.

Monday morning blues: 13 ways to help you get through it

Monday morning blues: 13 ways to help you get through it

I guess it was Garfield who most famously hated Mondays (and loved lasagna), but the sentiment is pretty familiar. Much as a Friday afternoon brings feelings of elation, a Monday morning can bring on a sense of unhappy resignation: a whole five days of work, early mornings or late nights, and most of it spent indoors. Laura Schwecherl (via Greatist) has taken on the topic of the "Monday blues", most notably how they affect the body.

How to Spot Fake Handbags

This Coach handbag is real. Is yours? Photo courtesy of CoachThe only thing we love more than a nice handbag is getting a deal on a nice handbag. But it's so easy to be scammed! Counterfeit purses are tempting, but the truth is they're illegal, cheaply made, and a waste of money. And while Coach bags are currently the world's most popular handbags, they're also the most-imitated. So how can you tell real from faux? We spoke with the experts at, the leading coupon code websites in the US, on how to spot a knockoff. They're experts deal hunters and they work closely with major retailers like Nordstrom so they know how to find a legit purse at a great price. Here are their six tips to avoid falling for designer imposter bags.

10 Self-Checks Women Should Do Every Morning

If the only time you zoom in on your anatomy is when you're tweezing your unibrow or popping a zit, then you could be missing out on some crucial information about your health.

One of the many wonderful things about your body is that it has built-in sickness sensors, and experts say you can spot early warning signs of even serious conditions simply by taking a few minutes to bond with the image in the mirror.

‘Dirty Dancing’ star Jennifer Grey attends the film’s 25th anniversary

Jennifer Grey at 'Dirty Dancing's' 25th anniversary in 2012. (Araya Diaz/FilmMagic)

Grey with Patrick Swazye at the 1987 premiere of 'Dirty Dancing.' (Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage)

Baby, is that you?

Jennifer Grey celebrated the 25th anniversary of "Dirty Dancing" in Hollywood last night and, without Patrick Swayze by her side, it was hard to pick her out from the crowd. The 52-year-old actress shot to fame as wannabe dancer Baby Houseman opposite Swayze's instructor Johnny Castle in the 1987 romance. But two decades later, without the curls and her distinct profile, Grey looks nothing like she did in the film that made her famous.

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kid's Teacher

kids in a classroomkids in a classroomAs a parent, you know that advocating for your child is in your job description. So when an issue arises with the person who's molding his or her young mind, you're going to speak up. But it's important to choose your words carefully. "As with anyone whose service you depend on, it's in your best interest to avoid coming off as too critical or demanding to your child's teacher," says Suzanne Tingley, a former teacher, principal and superintendent, and author of How to Handle Difficult Parents. "Expressing your concerns in a neutral way usually leads to a more constructive conversation and a better outcome for your kid." Read on to learn which statements, however well-meaning, can land you in the "troublemaker" category. Photo by Thinkstock.

Humpback whale feeds close to boaters, paddlers in California

Bill Bouton captured the images from the shore which shows just how close the whales were to people on the water

Some people in small boats and on paddle boards along the California coast got up close with a pod of humpback whales, who seemed to be enjoying a meal.

Retired biology instructor Bill Bouton captured these images while he was photographing birds near San Luis Obispo, in the central part of the state.

3 Steps to a Mildew-Free Bathroom

Tips for a Mildew-Free BathroomThe secret to a mildew-free bathroom, especially in summer, is to rid the room of heat and humidity as quickly as possible. Mold spores thrive in warm, moist conditions, so to cut down on cleaning time, keep your bathroom as cool and dry as possible. Here are my favorite ways to stop mildew in its tracks:

Forget Apple, Forget Facebook

It's very easy to get caught up in the Android versus iPhone duel and Google's recruiting battles with its newly-public Silicon Valley neighbor, Facebook.

But neither one of those companies worry Google executives as much as another that is actively taking money out of their pockets.

This company is from Washington, but no, it's not Microsoft.

Google's real rival, and real competition to watch over the next few years is Amazon.

Renovations you should -- and shouldn't -- do yourself

It may not seem too difficult to install a new kitchen sink or a dimmer switch for your dining room.

But when that sink won't stop making awful gurgling noises or that dimmer box winds up melted, many homeowners find themselves going to a professional.

"We quite often and go in and when we're tearing things apart we witness things that homeowners have already attempted themselves," said Mike Crossman, the owner of New View Design and Remodeling in Cleveland. "If no one gets hurt, it's quite comical in a way."

Facebook Finally, Really Deletes Your Deleted Photos

Finally, when we delete an embarrassing image from our Facebook lives, it will be wiped from Facebook's servers in a "reasonable amount of time," Facebook told Ars Technica's Jacqui Cheng, who has been following the saga since 2009. Before now, the photos sat on Facebook's servers, latent, yet still available, which is the exact opposite of what the action of deletion should mean.

Is this photo by a Scottish sailor the best proof yet of Loch Ness Monster?

"I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and immediately grabbed my camera," he said to ABC News. "I happened to get a good picture of one of them."

Most images of Nessie show the monster having three humps, but Edwards believes it probably looks more like a manatee and there are more than one in the water.

What Victoria's Secret Models REALLY Look Like

Ever wonder how those pouty, impossibly perfect Victoria's Secret Angels look when the wind machine's off and the Photoshop wand has yet to be wielded?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but, guess what? They still look awesome.

7 Diseases That Strike Young People

Prevent Disease

"When we're young, we think we're invincible," says Georges Benjamin, MD, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association. "But we're not." And increasingly, diseases we commonly associate with people in their 60s and 70s are hitting two, three, or even four decades earlier. Why? Better screening and early detection are part of the picture, but lifestyle factors such as poor diet and the fact that we're living more sedentary lives are to blame as well. Here, 7 diseases you can do something about today--to make sure you feel better, longer.

5 affordable places to retire in Europe

5 affordable places to retire in Europe

This is the best time in a long time to think about enjoying your retirement in Europe. The current euro-dollar exchange rate makes Europe a relative bargain for dollar-holders, including retirees with dollar-based retirement funds.

Cat escapes from dog with surprise leap onto surfboard (VIDEO)

In this video, a house cat makes a daring escape from a dog chasing it through a backyard.

At the beginning of the video, a male narrator appears to be taking video of his property when he catches the animal chase unfolding in real time. As the dog chases the cat down a flight of stairs and toward the pool's edge, the fleeing feline leaps onto a surfboard in the pool. The cool cat casually waits as the board floats to the other side of the pool, then calmly exits the pool and continues on its way.

Doctors remove spider hiding in woman’s ear canal

Photos of the spider before it was removed from the woman's ear (Imgur)A woman who went to China's Changsha Central Hospital complaining of itching in the left side of her head was told by doctors that the source of irritation was a spider that had been living inside her ear canal for five days.

Doctors reportedly used a saline solution to flush out the spider in order to avoid having the spider burrow deeper inside the canal or bite her.

‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’ mom drops 250 pounds, hopes to revive acting career

(Photo: Everett Collection/Dallas Morning News)Darlene Cates' feature film debut was memorable. In 1993's "What's Eating Gilbert Grape," she played Bonnie, a morbidly obese, severely depressed mother, and Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio played her sons. Nearly 20 years later, the 64-year-old Texas native has dropped almost 250 pounds and hopes to start acting again.

The Surprising Trait Men Love in a Woman

Show off your funny bone if you want to find a guy!Show off your funny bone if you want to find a guy!Ready for a new guy? Sure, looking great on date night doesn't hurt. But new research has found that specific traits are even more important to people searching for an S.O.

Chemotherapy can backfire and boost cancer growth: study

Cancer-busting chemotherapy can cause damage to healthy cells which triggers them to secrete a protein that sustains tumour growth and resistance to further treatment, a study said Sunday.

Researchers in the United States made the "completely unexpected" finding while seeking to explain why cancer cells are so resilient inside the human body when they are easy to kill in the lab.

They tested the effects of a type of chemotherapy on tissue collected from men with prostate cancer, and found "evidence of DNA damage" in healthy cells after treatment, the scientists wrote in Nature Medicine.

5 Cancers that Strike Men—and the Warning Signs

Cancers that strike men

No man is invincible, especially when it comes to health. Learn to detect and defend against the cancers most likely to attack men, and you'll be able to take the disease head-on if it strikes—and increase your chances of beating it.

Peek behind the gates of the most exclusive communities in the U.S.

A private polo field? A place where pet ostriches and llamas roam? To most, they sound like the trappings of a king. But to members of the most exclusive gated communities, deluxe perks like these are becoming standard. “Buyers are not only buying a home, they’re buying a lifestyle,” said Dana Olmes, an agent with Ewing and Associates Sotheby’s International Realty in California.

Will World’s Hunger for Sushi Cause Tuna Extinction?

It's no secret that Americans loves sushi. What used to be a delicacy savored on special occasions has become a new kind of fast food, available in cafeterias and grocery stores, even baseball stadiums. Our fear of eating raw fish has fully subsided and we now consume so much fish that if we're not careful we may soon run out.

Sushi: The Global Catch, a new film from documentarian Mark Hall takes an in depth look at how the growth of the international sushi industry, which exploded in America in the 1980's, has lead to a dramatic depletion of our oceans fish supply. Hall was inspired to make the film when he witnessed the popularity of Sushi in Eastern Europe during a trip to Warsaw, Poland, and was amazed at how fast sushi's popularity has spread.

Mola mola becomes Internet celebrity after photographed off California

Some strange-looking things have been spotted in California, but an alien-like sea creature may be on the top of the list and its gaining some fame online.

The animal is called an ocean sunfish, but is more commonly known as a Mola mola. It's the heaviest known bony fish in the world weighing on average 1,000 kg and has a fish head and flattened body. The Monterey Bay Aquarium describes them as looking "like the invention of a mad scientist."

One-Bowl Chocolate Cake

Birthday? Anniversary? Going-away party? This super-easy, one-bowl layer cake is the perfect dessert for any gathering of chocolate buffs.

• Yield Makes one 8-inch double-layer cake

• Unsalted butter, softened, for pans
• 3/4 cup unsweetened Dutch cocoa powder, plus more for pans
• 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1 1/2 cups sugar
• 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda