10 Questions You Should Ask a Potential Roommate

Having a roommate is a lot like living with someone when you’re in a committed relationship with them; like it or not, you’re stuck sharing walls, food, and limited space. That’s why you should ask potential roommates the following 10 questions whether you’re filling an empty room in your building or looking for a partner to seek a new pad with. Their answers will tell you whether or not they are the right ‘mate for you and protect yourself from Jersey Shore-esque roommates and real-life Single White Female horror stories.

1. How stable is your work situation?

The key to protecting yourself against unwanted surprises and financial squabbles is discovering how financially reliable your potential roommate is going to be. While requesting a credit report and pay stubs might be going too far, spend some time discussing employment with your potential roommate to make sure you're not left fronting rent and other payments in the future.