Top 10 Annoying Kid Habits (And Why They're Not So Bad)

Every morning at our house begins the exact same way: the great shoe hunt.

Despite having perfectly adorable little shoe cubbies with each child's name hand-lettered on their box and despite many, many admonitions from me to put away their shoes, the cubbies remain empty and we've hit the grocery store in mismatched shoes more times than I count.

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Why? Because, like my friend Melissa says, "Once you have kids you can never again use the logic 'well it didn't just sprout legs and walk off did it?' when talking about a missing item." Kids have legs. And hands. And a serious penchant for "reorganizing" everything you own. But when a stranger complimented my "quirky cute" shoe choice the other day it made me realize that maybe I'm not fully appreciating my kids.

1. Nothing is ever where you set it down. Including the children.
Silver Lining: Treasure hunt! You might even find those earrings you lost last year too.