4 Billionaires That Were In The Right Place At The Right Time

While the argument could be made that nobody gets to be a billionaire by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, there are instances where individuals have serendipitously stepped up to the rank of billionaire - transitions facilitated by being in the right place at the right time.

Some of this luck is purely a function of when one is born - how successful would Bill Gates have been if he had been born ten years earlier or ten years later? (There's no way to tell, but we do know that Gates was able to perfectly take advantage of the newly developing world of computer technology because he was born at the right time and he happened to be at the right place - one of only two schools that had mainframe computers). The planets aligned for these four billionaires who had the creativity, drive, foresight and the luck of good timing to turn their ideas into profitable realities.

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg's father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s and went on to develop additional programming skills with the assistance of a private tutor. Zuckerberg had the reputation of being a programming prodigy by the time he started classes at Harvard.

The 2010 movie The Social Network depicts the story of how Zuckerberg developed Facebook, a company that earned him the distinction of becoming the world's youngest billionaire in 2008, four years after co-founding Facebook. Zuckerberg and co-founders developed Facebook at a time when millions of internet users were hungry for social media opportunities. Zuckerberg was able to develop his natural talent for computer programming and came up with an idea that would connect people all over the world - at precisely the right time.