You probably know that there are benefits to eating breakfast. Regular breakfast eaters tend to be leaner and are more successful at losing weight. Breakfast also provides a chance to get in some healthy food groups—whole grains, fruit, milk—so it’s no wonder breakfast eaters usually have a higher-quality diet than nonbreakfast eaters. But when it comes to what time you eat breakfast, does it make a difference? If you’re a morning exerciser, is does.Must-Read:
3 Magic Breakfast Ingredients to Kick-Start Your Metabolism
Should You Eat Breakfast, Even When You’re Not Hungry?Eating breakfast after working out may be the smarter choice, writes Holly Pevzner in the May/June issue of EatingWell Magazine. That’s the finding from a new study published in The Journal of Physiology. For the 6-week study, researchers split exercisers into three groups—one exercised on an empty stomach and ate breakfast afterward, the second ate before the workout, while a third ate the breakfast without exercising, acting as the control. I should mention that the breakfast was very high in calories (675)—not exactly what most people eat each day—and that’s what makes the results all the more surprising.