Is 35 too old to wear a miniskirt?

41-year-old Jennifer Lopez breaks the fashion rules. Photo by Getty Images.

41-year-old Jennifer Lopez breaks the fashion rules. Photo by Getty Images.

Two thousand British women were surveyed by Diet Chef on the age appropriateness of fashion, and came to some harsh conclusions. For starters they said women should stop wearing mini skirts at 35. Only 35? What would 41-year-old Jennifer Lopez have to say about this fashion rule? As the new spokesperson for Venus razors she's been showing off her gams more than ever, and they look fantastic!

To all the stiletto addicts out there: be warned! The majority of those surveyed said by 51 you're too old for high heels.

Next up on the survey: bikinis, which the majority of women said should not be worn past 47 years old. We have two words for these women: Helen Mirren. At 65 years old she still works the hell out of a two-piece swimsuit. Now maybe Mirren and J.Lo aren't your average females, but if ladies feel comfortable and happy wearing mini skirts and bikinis then why on earth should they have to succumb to these ridiculous style rules? It's like saying middle aged women can't have long hair. Says who?!