Worst Breakfast Foods



Whether you’re working out to build muscle, get definition, train for a marathon, lose weight, or because you’re just health conscious, you should be well aware of what you’re putting into your body on a daily basis and just how important that first meal of the day is. If, however, you’re like a lot of men and don’t really think about it (perhaps because you never seem to put on weight or believe that a little bit of this here and there won’t make a difference), then your breakfast food choices may not be so considered. If so, they can do a lot more than affect your overall fitness, having far-reaching effects on things such as your cholesterol, heart health, sex drive, and attention span. We’ve chosen five of the worst breakfast foods you can eat.


It might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people (grown-ups included) reach for a sugary cereal box every morning. It’s convenient, quick, and if you opt for one of the ones that aren’t coated in sugar, you probably think they’re pretty good for you, right? Wrong. It might  seem a controversial choice on this list of worst breakfast foods, but plenty of regular cereals are actually packed with sugar and, thus, warrant a place here for the simple fact that you’re getting a dose of something you aren’t fully aware of.